Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Atlantis and Luciferianism

The Motive, The Blueprint, The Icons of The New World Order

I recently re-read Francis Bacon's "New Atlantis" his homage to a Scientistic Dictatorship/New World Order, complete with an unelected, despotic-enlightened ruling elite, and high priests that were scientists.  I read this first more than forty years ago and had forgotten his description of the grand Icon Hall where were statues of every significant inventor, which were venerated by the people.  It was amazing that Bacon created a mythical "christianized" tower of Babel that we are living inside today. The fact that he saw into this age so clearly is not a matter of him being a prophet. It is a matter that the ruling Elite have taken much care to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

Bacon couched his arrogant Utopia inside a plot of Apostolic "magic" preformed by the Apostle Bartholomew, as a propaganda cover to make his Luciferian scheme look Christian. And a great portion of Christianity has become just that, Luciferian that is: removed from the reality of Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit, and formed in alliance with the spirit, power and ruler of THIS world in this age, who is Lucifer. 

No lesser lights than Father Alexander Schmemann +++ and his son-in-law Father Thomas Hopko, both at different times dean of Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary observed in different decades, "the church" meaning the Eastern Orthodox Church was now at its lowest period in history. Any 'orthodox' Roman Catholic voice will admit the same thing of the Roman Church; some will say second only to the 15th and 16th centuries. Protestants/Evangelicals do not gloat because things are worse in your quarter. 

The great apostasy of our day is no small thing, with so-called "lights" of the Church teaching in the dialectic of Political Correctness and bowing to the Malthusian forces, the primacy of the Scientistic Dictatorship Elite and even cooperating with the marxist/socialist/sharia compliant agenda of the New World Order - a Luciferian enterprise. Father Hopko recently admitted that at the highest levels of "the church" again referring specifically to The Eastern Orthodox Church, "We have to admit most of it is just not Christian anymore. When you quote from the New Testament some very well known Orthodox teachers and hierarchs look at you like you are some kind of fundamentalist or something."  I can show you tome after tome from Christian writers, even Orthodox writers, extolling the virtues of the goals of "The New World Order" bowing to the so-called deep wisdom of material slavery contained in D.N.A. research, (a propaganda ploy) all aimed at trying to Christianize the destruction of moral sanity, promote the Gay Agenda by the acceptance of slavery to "naturalism" (a new philosophy that could be called "material/gnosticism") as they usher in the new and more powerful anti-christs of our age.

Bacon's description of the structure of his utopia, exactly fits the structure of the present New World Order. In his version, the wise men, with the aid of the "experts" rule by fiat, for the good of all. Of course in Bacon's wild fantasy these leaders are pillars of benevolent love and the government is totally without corruption down to the least minor official, who preforms his duties with meticulous courteous seriousness. It is a land totally without want. As you can see even though the structure has been realized in the form of the harmonious actions of the main actors, the United States Federal Government (USA), The British Royal Academy of Science, The International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Trilateral Commission, The World Bank, The Federal Reserve, The United Nations Education, Scientific and Culture Organization, The United Nations Proper, The Council On Foreign Relations, The Bilderberg Group, The Club of Rome, The Muslim Brotherhood, like the great god Hydra - it is one. 

(Seeing the cooperation between the NWO and the Muslim Brotherhood in the last decade and particularly and glaringly in the last two years we have to conclude that the NWO has sanctioned the MB and taken it under its wings.)

However, contrary to Francis Bacon's fantasy, rather than wise men having created paradise, evil, greedy, arrogant, power hungry men are creating greater and greater levels of hell on earth. Rather than the bastions of education and science being about discovery of truth for the benefit of people, they institute technological apartheid. Massive technological advancement of the Scientistic Elite are hidden under secrecy, claimed for the purpose of "national security"; every major discovery is first weaponized, and its peaceful uses NOT shared.  Bacon's Christianized Tower of Babel with all its wonderful and good motives was derailed by the prince of this world, co-opted by evil where for centuries now good men having believed a lie have worked tirelessly (and still do) in the employ of evil men who had casted their lot with the primary evil that inhabits this planet, Lucifer, his killing agent, Satan, and every demonic angel and fallen spirit in their Cabal. 

The tower that they have erected is a grand killing machine, granting physical power to Lucifer, allowing him to project power into the physical world he himself does not have right nor power to project on his own. Ever wondered why if Lucifer hates humanity so, why he just doesn't wipe it out? Were God's mercy and protection removed from humankind, humanity would be extinct in a day or two. Spiritual evil is restrained in this age, unable to produce man's extinction. However, God granted to men free will, and the ability to physically act in this world. Now, delusional men who deny Lucifer's existence, empower him. The shadowy leaders, the real power-core of this material-mechanism of the New World Order are of no delusion, they know Lucifer exists and honor him, having made pact with him. 

If you doubt "The Culture of Death" that is the goal of these Malthusian mad men, do your own research, don't take my word for it. They have financed 1.6 Billion abortions in the world in the last thirty years, purposely retarded development in the "developing nations" allowing tens of millions and maybe more to die of privation, starvation, wars, genocides, and diseases that have long ago been conquered, for which there are easy and inexpensive cures. This is technological apartheid, compulsory sterilization, abortion, infanticide, assisted suicide, and euthanasia for the old. It is to this Scientistic Dictatorship Elite, a Luciferian Killing Mechanism to which we are now enslaved, via compulsory taxation of Obama Care. Thank you very much, Chief Justice Roberts. 

While the SDE predicts doomsday, claiming limited resources they purposely stifle agricultural modernization in developing countries. This planet at the moment produces a mere fraction of the possible food it can, and manufacture capacities of every kind operate at a tiny percentage of capacity. The supposed doomsday scenario vis a vis oil is found to be a fraud, since abiotic oil (oil from non-biological sources) is the second most plentiful liquid on the planet. The Malthusian's predictions of doomsday have one motivation and it is the motivation of Satan - (he who destroys mankind) - and that motivation is murder of as many humans as possible in the shortest amount of time while not being discovered for the murdering mad men they are.  Charles Darwin himself incorporated the Luciferian, Malthus' killing philosophy into his own theory, and birthed "social darwinism" upon which the motive of the SDE is based and Francis Bacon gave the frame work to create the apparatus for that murdering enterprise. Before it is too late we need to "know our enemy" and our enemy's methods and stop cooperating with it. The great "culling" of humankind has been underway for decades and we deny it and ignore it. 

Malachi Martin the famous author and exorcist, talked in an interview on Coast to Coast more than a decade ago about the Luciferian Evil that follows families.  He described how in many families huge demonic evil is intrinsic, as the younger generation is literally initiated into the reality of the demonic "helper" from an early age. When you trace the Luciferian Darwins, generations before Charles Darwin, and the subsequent generations you will see the murderous influence they have been and they are inbred with the Huxley family following the same story.  The first head of UNESCO was a murderous eugenicist a descendant of both Charles Darwin and Thomas Huxley. And of course both Huxley and Darwin (who were best friends) were disciples of Malthus. Look at the history of the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers; I could name a list of key family lines whose contributions are celebrated by a civilization gone insane.  

I would like to share with you a visual created by the same blood line as Frances Bacon, a direct descendant of Francis Bacon's half brother, who oddly enough happens to be named also Francis Bacon. He spent his life visually portraying the distain and utter hatred that family-evil holds for humanity.  When you want to think of the hatred for humanity held by Lucifer and his Scientistic Dictatorship Elite's, Murderous Malthusian New World Order (of which Obama Care is a part) remember these very graphic IKONS of that hatred. 

  If you doubt that men have gone mad, remember that this pure demonic shit sells for tens of millions of dollars inside the cabal of the Scientistic Dictatorship Elite.

Hear this Francis Beacon describe the absolute uselessness of human existence. 

Thinking themselves wise, they became fools. 

(Too bad this interview with Francis Beacon was removed, because it was wonderful in that it expressed his absolute Nihilism, his dedication to deconstruction and chaos. The worthlessness of his art and life was so clearly stated, care was taken to have it removed.) 

Monday, July 23, 2012

TRUTH MATTERS - A Breath of Fresh Air

I've been in a near non-stop political discussion for over eighteen months, plus written many articles about the state of things in American and the world.  (Compendium of Archpriest Symeon Elias' Writings)

Endured many hours of lectures by a renown Orthodox teacher, all spoken inside the dialectic of political correctness, as he tried his best to baptize Darwin with dignity. I  commented on and refuted some of the assumptions and added a lot of supplemental material. 
(Defanging The Atheist Tiger - Lecture Series Volumes One - Eighteen)

And many more hours hanging on every word of Yale Neurobiologist Dr Robert J Wyman's course in "Darwinian Demographics" - an exercise in Malthusian fantasy taught as truth. 
(Struggle For Life - Lecture Series  Volume One - Fifteen)

In the last few months, since it seemed apparent that Mitt Romney was going to be the Republican nominee, I've answered angry question after angry question and witnessed the mighty Romney Spin machine try to round up all the disaffected, non-romney folks, with a massive lie campaign, to little success. At this point they are frustrated and angry as they try by philosophical and mental gymnastics to twist Romney into an acceptable choice. If they can't do that, if you don't buy it, then they bully you, become abusive and/or try to guilt you into accepting him. The intellectual dishonesty of these Romney activists is truly amazing. It is grinding, boring, uncreative, evil, driven by fear in some and deception in others.

Dumb America On Parade

At the same time I've watched the efforts of some old friends, some reposed now many years, speaking prophetic things from the grave, on youtube and other media.  A few hours of lectures, speeches and interviews of murdered U.S. Congressman from Georgia, Larry McDonald, old tapes of Bill Cooper and others.  

I have poorly come to the defense of the persecuted primate of the Orthodox Church in America, Metropolitan Jonah. I have campaigned for the signing of the Manhattan Declaration and counseled hundreds of people, via mail, email, private Facebook, and in person, 90% younger than me, some just in their late teens and early twenties. This has been a joy. 

I've also read about two books a week, none of it admitted to be fiction; ranging from the early church fathers, two different versions of the New Testament, some "stealth jihad - christian deconstructionist theology," - amazing the number of really stupid modern 'christian' heretics with Arab names from muslim countries - it is a whole Christian dis-information machine;  seven books on Islam, the Koran again, a list of political and political science books, two medical books, history and alternative history books, and some fun stuff like  . . . oops . . . I've got to remember to read some fun stuff.  I did in the meantime create a Website where I am placing my favorite musical artists. 

Creative Wisdom - Clouds and Glory.

Plus, I walked 3300 miles in the last twenty months and rode my bike many more miles - only had one mild heart episode - I'm 29 months recovered from a stroke, which challenged my left hand.  Oh, I forgot - there was some fun stuff -  I also wrote some songs, and painted two paintings (had not painted anything in years) and this year recorded 

In the exercise of it all, the counseling, the philosophical/theological/political writing, there has been the constant goal, to extract the truth from the forrest of deceptions, lies, spin, propaganda, agenda, etc. But not merely to extract the truth but to examine it, test it. Why? Because Truth Matters, and we as a society have forgotten that. We say silly things like "my truth" and "your truth" as if truth itself is malleable. The common paradigm demands that we think anyone insane who claims to have discovered anything actually true and knowable. The modern dialectic itself has become a lie, where the perception of truth is nearly impossible by anyone not aware of the "manipulation of consciousness" rampant in our culture, which flows though most any sentence of any common conversation billions of times a day.  And in the sea of manipulated thinking and conversation our culture, our society, our communities and country, are spinning into chaos. Freedom is lost, slavery is encroaching.  How could it not when the minds that form the culture are spinning into chaos?

 All that to say: I want to share something serious with you for a moment outside the cultural spin. I just took this off one of my "adopted son's" FB page. He is a contractor in Afghanistan multiple military tours and now multiple tours as a contractor. He and I have bumped heads for a few years as he struggled to find his voice. He stated, off-handedly, a fact about truth, the perception and holding of truth that shows he certainly is gaining his voice.  
This is off a cell phone txt to FB update - so here it is unedited:   

"I beleive the fight for standards of humane treatment of people, especially women, in certain US CENTCOM AOR regions of the world, is both humanitarean as well as intellectual and academically moral. I believe in intellectual honesty, logical consistency, and moral coherence. When I see these things twisted and robbed from the landscape of scholastic and journalistic discourse by the loathsome social disease of political correctness, and the unwillingness of secular western academics to confront atrocities in other cultures, it saddens me on several fronts. Not only does it bring out my seething distain for double standards, but it also hurts the very cultures that political correctness is supposedly seeking to empower and protect."

Wow! Succinct and true. We are so used to the power structure manipulating everything we see and hear that maybe it takes primitive survival conditions of the mountains of Afghanistan to breakthrough the somnambulistic stupor, created and humming away in our sub-conscious, drumming the pace, rhythm and direction of our thinking. 

It is a fact that the public dialog wrapped in the deconstruction mechanism of political correctness is all spin, whether it is a discussion about an automobile brand, a politician or political action, a social question, a moral question or concept; it is all spin; merely different levels of lying, conducted inside a false dialectic and TRUTH is lost completely in the process. What people cannot seem to grasp any longer is that Truth Matters. Intellectual honesty, logical consistency, and moral coherence - i.e. moral sanity. I've said to him many times, "Perception of Truth is primarily a matter of character."  How many do not have a clue what that means? 

I was always reminded of the great gulf that was created when some protestant person, especially an evangelical would say, "Tell me about Orthodoxy. What do you believe?" Why would this create a gulf? Because I knew that as much as they thought they knew, they would not know even if I could explain it simply and succinctly. Why? Because the religious language they already possessed would make them misunderstand almost every thought I stated, unless I took a lot of time to first discover and then deconstruct their belief, so that I could then reconstruct a completely different but "related" version of the same belief, then compare and contrast.  In self defense I started carrying around business card size versions of the Nicene Creed and the Jesus Prayer on one side and Psalms (50) 51 on the other side.  If you are not an orthodox Christian you will not understand this paragraph.

So in the language of an artist: The artist develops something called "the artist's eye" or "the artist way of seeing."  Unless you have developed this method of perceptions all descriptions of it sound silly. But once the artist's eye is gained, you can see with the properties of normal perception and at the same time see with very different perceptions.  Honest it is true. 

So in the language of a musician: Les Paul, the inventor of the electric Guitar was a gifted pianist, and at a young age was already Jackie Gleason's music director and pianist. He ran into Art Tatum (the greatest pianist of the 20th century - few people ever heard play) - Les said, "I watched the things he was doing on the keyboard, that seemed impossible but he did them with ease. That night I quit playing the piano and took up guitar."  He told the story of taking his brother to see Art at a club. Art sat down and began with an extremely difficult downward run on the piano that actually required a gliss-slide of the thumb on three notes each octave, plus five notes with the five fingers, while his left hand play pedal tones, an almost impossible task, executed flawlessly.  Les turned to his brother and said, "Well what did you think of that?" His brother asked, "What?"  Les said, "that unbelievable run he started with!" His brother shrugged and said, "I used to make a sound just like that when mother would make me dust the piano."  You see, Les was listening with highly trained and developed perceptions. His brother was hearing with normal untrained perceptions. It is the reason Art Tatum played piano gymnastics in creative patterns of unbelievable complexity and most people yawned, but every pianist in the world knew it was one step above anything they would ever do. 

Oh Hell, let's make it simple.  You ever played Where Is Waldo? Waldo's not there, but once you expend the mental energy to discover him, from then on you will easily perceive him. It requires an "epiphany" to discover Waldo.  (Epiphany look it up.)

Once that Epiphany happens, watching Fox, CNN, all the talking heads, the instant they open their mouths, instead of accepting the lying spin that is ALWAYS THERE, you see the lying Waldo instead. Honest, once you see it, you will realize how nearly worthless ninety-nine percent of the programing is. 

In this society our ability to perceive truth has been purposely stunted. Like some bent version of theology is substituted for the real making perception of the real almost impossible, or the normal way of seeing blinds the perceptions of "really seeing" as only gifted photographers and artists do, or how the lesser sounds of music never train the ear for the finer perceptions of music.  The common dialectic - the common way of perceiving truth, forming truth and speaking truth  - is false. The media, the pop-culture, the political debate, the 24/7 news cycle, rather than enlightening one, actually adds layers of scales to our eyes and blinds us from the perception of truth.  Lost in the common dialectic we have no foundation, no rudder, no anchor, we are totally malleable, mere clay in the hands of our "handlers."  And as a society, being handled, WE ARE. 

If people cannot come to grasp that with their many good intentions they are creating slavery, we will indeed be enslaved. 

As an Orthodox Priest, I have had many non-orthodox offer me proof that there Christianity is "real" and for the most part it would be one of the common brands of American cultural Christianity, which truthfully is pagan based. I would say, "Okay, but something is very wrong.  Apostolic Christianity conquered the pagan Roman empire without firing a shot - so to speak - a totally peaceful conquering of the most massive empire of the day, and the only blood that was shed was the blood of Christian (real) martyrs. (not the hate filled modern murdering kind).  Yet, here we are the polls say nearly eighty percent of Americans claim to be Christian and we are creating an increasingly hostile pagan society. Something has to be seriously wrong with that Christianity."  And that is true something is terribly wrong with that Christianty, but what is it?  It is not for the most part connected to TRUTH.  The more educated or astute would say, "Wait a minute! The Holy Roman Empire which was Orthodox was conquered by Islam! And Russia that some dared called Holy Rus was conquered by Atheistic Communist Statism! Tell me what did that say about THAT christianity?"   And he would be right; It wasn't for the most part connected to TRUTH. 

It will require "humility" to give up the delusion that we may merely opine, based upon information we have haphazardly gathered from the culture and conclude that opinion is based in truth. Just because he theologize and/or philosophize and/or enter the political debate it may or may not, probably is not grounded in truth.  

Thus those questions, "Where are we? How can we discover it? What do we do now?" 

Everyone wants to start with the last. They say to me when they begin to perceive in panic the abyss into which these mad men have dumped our Republic, "Is that all you can do, harp and complain? Just tell me what you propose to do."  I tell them and they cannot hear it; ninety-nine percent will say, "But you haven't offered any solutions!"  They can't hear or take seriously the "first step" toward a future solution.  What they mean when they say, "What do you propose we do?" is - "inside the fantasy of perceptions I own, how can you instantly and painlessly fix these things I see that now trouble me." 

TRUTH MATTERS, because without a true view of our circumstances, a true view of our enemy, a true view of our tools or lack thereof, we cannot possibly perceive even the first step toward a solution. IF we don't have clear sight we cannot read the map, if our minds are blocked by fantasy, illusion and delusion we cannot hear the answers. TRUTH MATTERS. 


Why should we NOT take them at their word.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Struggle for LIfe - Volume Fifteen - Final

I said in the middle of Volume Thirteen:

"Let us not pretend what we are dealing with here. We are dealing with nothing short of the Doctor Josef Mengele-Joseph Goebbels-like planners and practitioners of mass death. Where the NAZIS managed a few million, Planned Parenthood, the IMF, the World Bank, the U.S. Government and other national governments cooperating with the U.N. have managed what has to be by this year 2012, ONE AND A HALF BILLION abortions since 1982!" 

And no telling the number of deaths by other means. People keep looking for the "great culling" of humanity and it is already underway. Courses like Dr Wyman's and the work of thousands of other academics and planners, bogus reports by official "scientistic bodies" are all for the "legal scientistic cover" for the Eugenic campaign that is currently underway, worldwide.  The hellish, anti-life, culture of death, post-human dimensions of this boggles the mind. Truthfully we cannot comprehend it.  These people are truly post-human, have themselves become beasts and instead of murder by brutal fang and massive bloodshed, murder by disease, starvation, privation, and abortion, wearing the white lab coats while causing the diseases, and wearing the casual clothes of the professors, the Priests of Scientism, to give the "doctors" cover.

Wyman has talked about the "pressure of population on environment" and this last lecture is just more of the same.  But before you punch the button and start Dr Wyman's final lecture, I want you to notice the propaganda ploy at the beginning of the tape. In the tape he shows, it depicts the world population from 1AD to present in a progressive Ikon.  The propaganda ploy in the tape is three fold. One it is based upon data that according to Wyman's own oft repeated words is pure conjecture from the first moment 1A.D. to the present. Two, it uses yet another graphic Ikon slight of hands, placing the dots representing "a million people" actually occupying much more space than the actual millions occupy. This is evident since it pictures the year 2012 as if North America is completely filled up with people with no room left. When in fact the vast majority of land in the U.S. is still very sparsely inhabited and much of it is nearly totally uninhabited. Populations exist compacted in urban areas as the NASA photo from space clearly shows.  I'm well aware of this since I live in the largest expanse of population in North America at the southern tip of Lake Michigan. If you look closely you can see the outline of Lake Michigan and the hook of light flowing up from the southern shore to the western shore . . . from South Bend, Indiana, thru Chicago, Illinois up to Green Bay, Wisconsin.  This area is not crowded, and except for the extreme urban areas, the most striking aspect is the constant view of open spaces. 
This is an actual NASA picture from space 2008

Here is Wyman's misrepresentation of 1944.

Here is Wyman's misrepresentation of now. 

Remember the misrepresentation of the Gorilla foot in the chart in the first hour?  I made the statement that visual misrepresentations are a hallmark of Darwinian/Evolutionary/Scientism - and here is yet another example. We can view the numbers and know that human population is growing upon the planet by probably 50 to 80 million people a year. Why can't these people used the discipline to use realistic graphics? The reason is that this course isn't about what is "real" it is about making the student "think they know" and teaching them how to "feel" about it. For the Eugenicists to complete their goal, they have to program young people to feel "crowded" and as if the planet is in danger of collapse from "overloading."  Try to remember this graphic, the real one, compared to the exaggerated one. 

If you think that a sense of "crisis and panic" isn't the intent of this course, just listen carefully.  Barely perceptible in the background of that first tape is the sound of a beating heart, which increases very subtly in volume and increased rhythm as we await the "explosion" at the end. The tape is only partly true and maybe not very true. How much of it is conjecture? Most of it according to Dr Wyman's previous statements. Remember the statements about Europe having the only developed extant records of population - where he neglected to credit the Church with that accomplishment?  Remember him saying that everywhere else in the rest of the world population was much more of a guess, that really there were few records? In fact in the whole series after painting very graphic and detailed pictures that he wants the student to take as fact, he would end using the qualification, "But this is just guess work. We really don't know." Much of what is presented in this series is offered with the continual caution, "this is just speculation" "the data is scarce" "we don't know the accuracy of the data" "these figures could be all wrong" "here is the picture but with very, very large error bars."  To a great extent as cogent as Dr Wyman's presentation has been, up until lecture "Will I Go Round In Circles" 23, it is for the most part, "conjecture." Lecture 23 was just discombobulation.  Yet here we have this "moving Ikon" with the sound track of a beating heart, presenting what is total conjecture as graphic fact. 

Once again, if you doubt that the point of this course is to "mark the human as merely a beast" that it is actually teaching "the mark of the beast" here is Dr Wyman's opening paragraph. Decide for yourself.

"Well I think you get the message . . . ah . . that I was actually going to show you  - - this is the end of the course. I was going to show you - - Let me show you - - the beginning of the - -  a little video, it was not in the right format.  It shows our favorite dung beetles copulating. It's very graphic and it looks just like humans, the same rhythm and everything, same motions. So and uh, and uh, the message of the course was, this is what this course has about - - start with insects doing their thing and you end up humans doing their thing, and in between nothing really has changed. The desire to engage in sex has not changed, the quest for status which determines sex .. . we . . we . . we've had this over and over again in the course and I hope you realize by now that we've discussed so much from the Princeton Project and other projects how much social acceptance is an important part of fertility.  That people determine their own fertility a lot because of what is the acceptable norm in the community.  And aside from the direct status of having a lot of sons, and a big family gives you big status, because of protection and political power from the large family and economic security. But it's all tied in with status.  I think I mentioned to you that, for instance in Bangladesh, they looked at fertility as a function of religiosity and one factor that had some effect was the religiosity of the particular family, but the much bigger effect was the religiosity of the community acceptance. It's all community acceptance, it's all status and we just - - that comes directly from the chimpanzees."

Did you know that your "religious status" comes from the chimpanzees? Idiocy. 

"And of course you're aware that a vast percentage of human consumption, and the richer you get the greater it is, is status consumption.  The only difference between a Mercedes and a Ford is basically status and that kind of thing." Like religiosity - according to context. "So you have also seen that between groups, the hostility between groups has not - - basically has not changed since chimpanzees. The maltreatment of females, the battering of females among chimpanzees, the battering of females among humans, it's all stayed about the same.  So if I could've shown you that video, you would have gotten the message that - - uh - - and also why this is a biology course, or at least part of the reason, is because the fundaments of almost everything that we've talked about are the same set of behavioral propensities that are apparently wired into us in some way since our chimpanzee days."

Do you remember your chimpanzee days?  What Wyman misses, and it is a convenient miss, since it reflects the real underlying theme of this course, is that humans have the capacity to be far more sinister and dangerous than mere beasts. Humans may become purely demonic, just like Thomas Wu in that story about mass murder and cannibalism in advance of the Japanese invasion of China, I told in an earlier volume.  Humans have the capacity to kill in massive numbers for the abstract reasons of "ideology" or like Wu for the pleasure of insane demonic destruction.  While Wyman sees himself as rational and reasonable what he teaches is insanity and dangerous.  It was sickening to hear him mention again the "abuse of women" when he counts the abortion of in excess of 700 million females in the last thirty years - a good thing. What could be more abusive!? 

Let us examine the reality of Carbon dioxide impact upon climate and the underlying Eugenics theme it contains. 

We know that Dr Wyman is a Malthusian by his own testimony and we know that Malthus had a huge impact on the thinking of Darwin, and so then on Marx, and so then on Hitler and Stalin.  I want you to watch the video below with this following paragraph ringing in your ears. Malthus, who was an Anglican Clergyman - something Fr Thomas Hopko thought was 'of meaning' was also a genocidal maniac, if wishing to kill, hoping to kill, plotting to kill is the same as killing.  Here is Doctor Lucy Shapiro, renowned for her contributions to the fields of developmental biology, molecular biology and genetics.  Her research focuses on the cell cycle of a developing microorganism, particularly on the process by which cells divide into dissimilar rather than identical daughter cells, this process is one of the most fundamental questions of developmental biology. Her pioneering work has revealed the circuitry controlling a bacteria cell with three thousand seven hundred and sixty seven genes providing the basic principles of genetic programming that help cells move endless through the cell cycle. She also focuses on advancing the field of antibiotics which she argues has reached a critical moment in history. When you hear Doctor Shapiro speak about the massive abuse of antibiotics in the 20th and 21st century and the resultant "super stains of bacteria" and viruses which presently are plaguing modern medicine - remember that word . . Plague.  Here is an expression of The Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus' murderous heart. I'm not judging him, I'm taking him at his own word. 

"Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country, we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlement in all marshy and unwholesome situations.  But above all, we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have thought they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders.  - The Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus. Q taken from Taylor Pg 62-63  - In The Minds Of Men, Darwin's New World Order.

Notice that Shapiro focused on Dramatic changes in society and environment, explosive population growth spreading poverty, global warming, and urban migration. This places her solidly in the "scientistic" paradigm, though her work is technical and except for the paradigm in which she places it, it is concrete, that is real. She also places her work inside the "internationalist" paradigm, and is an extreme advocate of "iron clad, international quarantine laws."  This prospect is more frightening than the diseases she exposes. Notice the groups she names as "petri dishes" for the production of super-strains of bacteria and viruses: chemotherapy patients, transplant patients, AIDS patients and Aging population. Now think for a moment. Where have the majority of super-bacteria come from? From the Aging population? No the worst and most virulent have come from (1) the Laboratories of the Scientistic High Priests, and (2) the food producing industries through man made, scientistic causes. Read the record I'm not making it up. I'm personally convinced that AIDS is man made, a plague placed in the population when the geneticist were creating new virus forms in the laboratory and claiming at the same time that "genes do not recombine in nature." Of course a few years later to there amazement they announced the discovery of something called a "retro-virus" which of course is the recombination of DNA in nature.  If "the aging" were a particular biological threat, the places you would see the massive outbreaks of these super-strains of bacteria and viruses would be in nursing homes, and boarding homes and the communal facilities of retirement communities and the like. This is not the case. But it is the case that the Priest of Scientism plan to rid the population of the elderly as quickly as they can without appearing to be purely evil in the process. The Whole Life chart of the Obama Care fiasco graphically points this out. The likelihood of anyone over 70 (at the moment) getting a vital transplant, heart, liver, kidney etc., is practically nil. And according to the Whole Life Chart, that age is to be dropped to 62.  So there is politics, i.e. Malthusian ideology, in including "the aging" with others who are "immuno-compromised."  The fact is, only those in extreme age, and/or those who already suffering major ailments are in anyway immuno-compromised. The fact is many Americans between the ages of 60 and 80 have stronger immune systems than many young people, who have been the hosts for the frankenstein-like massive vaccination mandates of the "national" health service. This over-prescribing of antibiotics and mandatory vaccinations, which is at the heart of our present man-made crisis is the SOLE responsibility of the medical establishment and this has been known for 50 years!  The labs of Scientism and the malpractice of medicine is the REAL petri-dish for super-stains of Bacteria and Viruses.  Not to mention the biological weapons research driving much of the "advances."

At this point in time, we have to be realistic. I think that, anyone looking at the massive loss of wealth represented in the decimation of the middle classes all over the world because of world economic collapse, and the stratification of classes into the very rich-ruling elite, the working technocrats and the unskilled subsistence poor, it would be foolish indeed to think that Thomas Malthus is not about to get his wish and that hundreds of millions of people, maybe billions, will be sacrificed on the altar of the new plagues.  Dr Shapiro said, "Marvelous things are happening in medicine."  In fact from the reading I've done the technology is in place to kill specific D.N.A. strains by magnetic and micro-waves keyed to the frequency of the particular D.N.A. strain. All D.N.A. has a resonate frequency. So in fact the battle against infectious diseases is won, at least for the Elite, and the needed technocrats. The subsistence poor will never see this technology, they will be stuck with the increasingly ineffective antibiotics. The wealthy elite will not care about the increasingly-resistant strains of bacteria and viruses, because both have "resonate D.N.A." that may be destroyed without invasive means. 

Lest my proposition seem too extreme, remember the 1.5 billion abortions worldwide in the last 30 years, the non-cities where presently millions of humans are kept fenced like livestock, places that are not "cities for the displaced," but rather permanent refugee camps with NO infrastructure, no sanitation, where everyday is spent clamoring for the subsistence to survive it, where medical treatment is almost non-existent and where trying to leave is answered with a bullet. Remember also the five million vaccines sent to the Balkans that was infected with active Bird Flu virus (H5N1 - virus), that was discovered to be not vaccines at all, but rather a biological weapon of mass destruction, sent to the health departments of five countries from the "World Health Organization." (There's an oxymoron for you.)  It would have been successful too, but for the Grace and Mercy of God, who prompted a lab worker to test the vaccine when it was not his job to do so. He explained that he just became overcome with curiosity he could not explain and decided to test it.  And there is that phrase the Grace and Mercy of God, which is LIFE engendering, which is the opposite of Satan and all satanic hatred, which is the destroyer of life. 

It is ONLY inside the Grace and Mercy of God where the answer to any of this hellishness will find an answer and it is time for faith filled Christians to put on the full armor to battle Satan, the Destroyer of LIFE.  We cannot be complacent, and allow the establishment to "Mark Us" with the Mark of the Beast. We have to be proactive and not reactive, we must become the "alternative experts" as indeed many have already become, to battle the Culture of Death that has a stranglehold on mankind and life on this planet. It is not enough to be aware in some abstract way, we have to be engaged in a concrete and real way, with the matter that is real science, with the matter that is health, with the matter that is real medicine, with the matter that is real nutrition, with the knowledge to grow food, with the knowledge to purify water, with the proper uses of every technology that is life engendering.  We must learn our true faith, the Faith that conquered the Pagan Roman Empire by peaceful means.  We must lean to practice that faith with such clarity and charity that the international bodies Satan has erected to take down humanity, begin to crumble of there own weight and become paranoid and fearful of their "international partners" and begin to destroy one another. Because IF they find unity, real unity, EVERYONE will be required to accept the Mark of The Beast, or die a slow death of privation - like those "beasts" caged like cattle in the permanent refugee camps.

Already the Beast is marking off his territory and has been for 150 years. Today, unless you accept the mark of the beast you will never be a teacher in a major college or university. It is the same in most corporations. This situation isn't the future, it is now and we have no time to waste. We must study to show ourselves approved, not of the beast, but of He who is Truth, Life and our only Way to LIFE. 

Archpriest Symeon Elias
Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church in The U.S.A.

Why should we NOT take them at their word.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Struggle For Life - Volume Fourteen

This is boilerplate information about the formation of a child in the womb. Dr Wyman tried to make of this amazing process, a rather meaningless, undifferentiated process in the "cycle of life." All life is amazing, but the complexities of child development in the womb is most amazing. From the complexity of it all, it seems a wonder any child is ever born, and born normal and healthy. This information should be comprehended by anyone who wants to counsel a woman to have a child. 

The following information is approximate & intended for general information.
Every pregnancy is different. Development varies from fetus to fetus.
Do not rely on this information for personal medical decisions.

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The process leading up to the birth of a newborn baby can be divided into many steps:

bulletAbout 1 month before conception: Almost all adult males produce thousands of spermatozoa (a.k.a. gamates or male germ cells) each second. Through a process callede "meiosis" the number of chromosomes in each spermatozoon produced is half the normal number -- 23 instead of 46. Some spermatozoon will have an X sex chromosome; others will have a Y sex chromosome. It would take about 500 of them lined up in a row to total 1 inch in length. They take a month or so to travel from a testicle, through a long tube called the "vas deferens," to reach a small reservoir inside the man's prostate gland. Here, semen (a mixture of spermatozoa and various fluids) is formed. Each spermatozoon contains human DNA, but only one complete set of chromosomes; normal cells have two.

They certainly appear to be living organisms. As seen in a microscope, they seem to be moving energetically with the sole motivation of fusing with an ovum -- except that they don't have a mind, and thus cannot have any motivation. Most people consider them to be a form of human life, because they appear alive and contain human DNA. Some scientists define "life" so strictly that spermatozoon are not considered alive, because they cannot, by themselves, reproduce. Reproduction requires an ovum and fertilization. A spermatozoon's movements are due to chemical reactions.
bulletPerhaps one day before conception: The woman ovulates and produces one mature ovum (a.k.a. gamate, egg cell, egg). As for the spermatozoa. it also carries a "half cargo" of human DNA -- again only 23 chromosomses, one of which is always a X sex chromosome. It travels down one of her fallopian tubes towards her uterus. It is about 1/100" in diameter, and is barely visible to the naked eye. It also considered by most of the public to be a form of human life, for the above reasons. But it does not meet some scientists' strict definition of a living organism, because it lacks one factor: the ability by itself to reproduce. It can only reproduce with the assistance of a spermatozoon. Some of these scientists have described an ovum as an"inert globule of organic matter."
If the woman has not ovulated, has unprotected sexual intercourse, wants to avoid a pregnancy, and takes an "morning after" pill, it will normally prevent ovulation. If ovulation has occurred, it will normally prevent conception.
fovum.gif (6674 bytes) A microphotograph of an ovum being surrounded by large numbers of spermatozoa
A spermatozoon fusing with an ovum6A microphotograph of a spermatozoon fusing with an ovum
During the process of conception: One very lucky spermatozoon out of hundreds of millions ejaculated by the man may penetrate the outside layer of the ovum and fertilize it. This happens typically in the upper third of one of the woman's Fallopian tubes. The surface of the ovum changes its electrical characteristics and normally prevents additional sperm from entering. A genetically unique entity is formed shortly thereafter, called a zygote. This is commonly referred to as a "fertilized ovum." However that term is not really valid because the ovum ceases to exist after the completion of conception.
Writers often refer to the "moment of conception" or "instant of conception." Actually, this is a process that extends over time.
Half of the zygote's 46 chromosomes come from the egg's 23 chromosomes and the other half from the spermatozoon's 23. The result is a unique DNA structure, different from both that of the ovum and the spermatozoon. Thus, the resulting newborn will contain a different DNA from its birth mother, and birth father, and from its siblings. These differences may give the child a reproductive advantage or disadvantage over other children in society. It is this factor that Charles Darwin made the driving force of his theory of evolution.
The zygote  " biologically alive. It fulfills the four criteria needed to establish biological life:
  1. metabolism,
  2. growth,
  3. reaction to stimuli, and
  4. reproduction.1
It can reproduce itself through twinning at any time up to about 14 days after conception; this is how identical twins are caused.
The zygote will contain an X sex chromosome donated from the egg and either an X or Y sex chromosome coming from the spermatozoon. If it ends up with XX chromosomes, the xygote is female; if XY, it is male. In this way, the sex of a zygote, embryo, fetus and child is determined by the birth father's permatozoa. Unfortunately, in the past, women were often blamed for producing new or no male children. In some cultures, particularly those where women are devalued, they are still unjustly blamed.

Conception is the point when the vast majority of pro-life groups, conservative Christians, and others define as the beginning of pregnancy8 Most of these groups also define the start of a human person as occurring at conception.

The zygote first divides into two identical cells, called blastomeres. They continue to subdivide once every 12 to 20 hours as the zygote slowly passes down the fallopian tubes. It develops into a morulla and blastocyst.
The medical definition of the start of pregnancy is about 10 days after conception, when the blastocyst implants itself in the inner wall of the uterus.
Many religious groups, Christian and others, believe that God implants a soul in the zygote during the conception process or later. Various faith groups define the soul as containing various combinations of a human's mind, will, emotions, memories, etc. Some groups regard the implantation of the soul as the defining event that changes human life into a human person. Most religious progressives and secularists note that a soul with these functions cannot exist until about the 26th week of pregnancy after the fetus becomes sentient. its higher brain functions first appear, and it becomes aware of its environment; most doubt the existence of the soul, and note that it is believed to be weightless, invisible, and undetectable by any means known to science.

(Note: I placed that paragraph in italics to point out that nothing it says is the real Christian understanding of the term "soul".  To be "ensouled" is to be alive. Already, in the form of the zygote, the human soul is forming its body, the soul is already "functioning." The second that process starts that tiny creature is "ensouled." And that ensouling happens immediately upon fertilization, if it is a viable creature. Immediately, that living cell, starts its function, as was previously stated, it is "alive" i.e. ensouled.  Protestants do not hold this understanding that all living things are "ensouled."  They argue whether a dog has a soul and so on.  For the Orthodox, there is not question of all living creatures and even plant life being "ensouled." A plant is "ensouled" it contains the living knowledge to produce itself, and re-produce itself. This functions on the micro-level. All autonomous creatures, capable of functioning, (1) in the process of forming themselves, (2) and as fully formed creatures, are "alive" therefore "ensouled." The second that that "entity" begins to form itself in the womb, it is a different creature than its mother, with different intent and goal - even though it is unconscious of its actions, vis a vis our understanding of human cognition, yet it is purposely acting, according to the nature of its life, i.e. soul. )

bulletAbout 3 days after conception: The zygote now consists of about 16 cells and is called a 16 cell morula (a.k.a. pre-embryo). It has normally reached the junction of the fallopian tube and the uterus.
bullet5 days or so after conception: A cavity appears in the center of the morula. The grouping of cells are now called a blastocyst. It has an inner group of cells which will become the fetus and later the newborn; it has an outer shell of cells which will "become the membranes that nourish and protect the inner group of cells.3 It has traveled down the fallopian tubes and has started to attach itself to the endometrium, the inside wall of the uterus (a.k.a. womb). The cells in the inside of the blastocyst, called the embryoblast, start forming the embryo. The outer cells, called the trophoblast, start to form the placenta. It continues to be referred to as a pre-embryo. 2
bullet9 or 10 days after conception: The blastocyst has fully attached itself to endometrium. Primitive placental blood circulation has begun. This blastocyst has become one of the lucky ones. The vast majority of ova are never fertilized and make it this far in the process.
If the woman has taken a "morning after" pill, and it has not prevented ovulation, and it has not prevented conception, then it will generally prevent the blastocyst from attaching to the wall of the womb.
bullet12 days or so after conception: The blastocyst has started to produce hormones which can be detected in the woman's urine. This is is the event that all (or almost) all pro-choice groups and almost all physicians (who are not conservative Christians) define to be the start of pregnancy. If instructions are followed exactly, a home-pregnancy test may reliably detect pregnancy at this point, or shortly thereafter.
bullet13 or 14 days after conception: A "primitive streak" appears. It will later develop into the fetus' central nervous system. This is the point at which spontaneous division of the blastocyst -- an event that sometimes generates identical twins -- is not longer possible. The pre-embryo is now referred to as an embryo. It is a very small cluster of undifferentiated cells at this stage of development.
bullet3 weeks: The embryo is now about 1/12" long, the size of a pencil point. It most closely resembles a worm - long and thin and with a segmented end. Its heart begins to beat about 18 to 21 days after conception. Before this time, the woman might have noticed that her menstrual period is late; she might suspect that she is pregnant and conduct a pregnancy test. About half of all pregnancies are unplanned. About half of unplanned pregnancies in the U.S. are terminated by an abortion.
bullet4 weeks: The embryo is now about 1/5" long. It looks something like a tadpole. The structure that will develop into a head is visible, as is a noticeable tail. The embryo has structures like the gills of a fish in the area that will later develop into a throat.
bullet5 weeks: Tiny arm and leg buds have formed. Hands with webs between the fingers have formed at the end of the arm buds. Fingerprints are detectable. The face "has a distinctly reptilian aspect." 1 "...the embryo still has a tail and cannot be distinguished from pig, rabbit, elephant, or chick embryo." 3
bullet6 weeks: The embryo is about 1/2" long. The face has two eyes on each side of its head; the front of the face has "connected slits where the mouth and nose eventually will be." 1
bullet7 weeks: The embryo has almost lost its tail. "The face is mammalian but somewhat pig-like." 1 Pain sensors appear. Many conservative Christians believe that the embryo can feel pain. However, the higher functions of the brain have yet to develop, and the pathways to transfer pain signals from the pain sensors to the brain are nto in place at this time.
bullet2 months: The embryo's face resembles that of a primate but is not fully human in appearance. Some of the brain begins to form; this is the primitive "reptilian brain" that will function throughout life. The embryo will respond to prodding, although it has no consciousness at this stage of development. The brain's higher functions do not develop until much later in pregnancy when the fetus becomes sentient.
bullet10 weeks: The embryo is now called a fetus. Its face looks human; its gender may be detectable via ultrasound.
bullet 13 weeks or 3 months: The fetus is about 3 inches long and weighs about an ounce. Fingernails and bones can be seen. Over 90% of all abortions are performed before this stage. 2,9
bullet17 weeks or 3.9 months: It is 8" long and weighs about a half pound. The fetus' movements may begin to be felt. Its heartbeat can usually be detected.
bullet22 weeks or 5 months: 12" long and weighing about a pound, the fetus has hair on its head. Its movements can be felt. An elective abortion is usually unavailable at this gestational age because of state and province medical society regulations, except under very unusual circumstances. Half-way through the 22nd week, the fetus' lungs may be developed to the point where it would have a miniscule chance to live on its own. State laws and medical association regulations generally outlaw almost all abortions beyond 20 or 21 weeks gestation. "A baby born during the 22nd week has a 14.8 percent chance of survival. And about half of these survivors are brain-damaged, either by lack of oxygen (from poor initial respiration) or too much oxygen (from the ventilator). Neonatologists predict that no baby will ever be viable before the 22nd week, because before then the lungs are not fully formed.Of course, if someone develops an artificial womb, then this limit could change suddenly.

Fetal survival rate:"Most babies at 22 weeks are not resuscitated because survival without major disability is so rare. A baby's chances for survival increases 3-4% per day between 23 and 24 weeks of gestation and about 2-3% per day between 24 and 26 weeks of gestation. After 26 weeks the rate of survival increases at a much slower rate because survival is high already." 5
bullet26 weeks or 6 months: The fetus 14" long and almost two pounds. The lungs' bronchioles develop. Interlinking of the brain's neurons begins. The higher functions of the fetal brain turn on for the first time. Some rudimentary brain waves indicating consciousness can be detected. The fetus will probably be able to feel pain for the first time. It has become conscious of its surroundings. The fetus has become a sentient human life for the first time. Some pro-choicers define this point as the beginning of human personhood.
bullet7 months: 16" long and weighing about three pounds. Regular brain waves are detectable which are similar to those in adults.
bullet8 months: 18" long and weighing about 5 pounds.
bullet9 months: 20" long and with an average weight of 7 pounds, a full-term fetus' is typically born about this time.
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Additional information:

bulletFrancis Beckwith, "Is the unborn human less than human?,", at:
bullet"Life begins at conception," Cross Publications, at:
bulletB.F. Miller, "The Complete Medical Guide", Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, (1967) has a list of Internet resources on pregnancy development at:
bulletThe Visible Embryo is a remarkable web site. It shows the various stages of development from a fertilized egg to fully-formed fetus. See:
bullet"The inside story" at StandUpGirl also shows fetal images, taken by 3-D ultrasound, 4-D ultrasound, and contact embryoscopy. See: Caution: the web site is somewhat deceptive. They often show drawings and pictures of a fetus early in pregnancy, and add an unrelated comment that describes a viable fetus near the end of pregnancy.
bulletReligious and social conservatives generally believe that pregnancy begins at conception, whether achieved through sexual intercourse or in-vitro fertilization (IVF). In the latter case, conception is performed in a dish external to the woman's body. Typically, two dozen of the woman's ova are harvested, and fertilized in the lab. The three or four most vigorous pre-embryos are then selected and implanted in her uterus. The rest are discarded, exposed to die, or frozen for possible future use.
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Reference used:

  1. Carl Sagan, "Billions and Billions", Random House, New York NY (1997), Pages 163-179.
  2. This ultrasound picture of a fetus at 2.8 month/12 week gestation was donated by a visitor to this web site.
  3. C. George Boeree, "General Psychology: Prenatal development," at:
  4. Franklin Foer, "Fetal Viability," The Gist, 1997-MAY-25, at:
  5. "Chances for Survival," University of Wisconsin Medical School, 2004-APR-22, at:
  6. Lower image taken from Wikipedia at: rule
Copyright 1997 to 2011 by Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
Latest update: 2011-NOV-27
Author: B.A. Robinson