Saturday, February 28, 2015

Seven Principles of Spiritual Warfare.

Saint John Paul admonished his young priests to return to preaching.  Something that had nearly degenerated to naught under the influence of "modernism" and "secularism" in the Roman Catholic Church.  It is with great pleasure that I share the sermon of this young RC priest, about whom I know nothing, except that he has truly learned to preach.  Although there is some fun and humor in his presentation, there is PROFOUND wisdom and truth here.  I wish every young person I know could hear this particular sermon by this young man.  I also wish every older person could grasp the importance of his words for our battle in this culture, or the true Liberty of generations next. 

Since one of the subjects he mentions was a fellow's addiction to pornography, I want to share also this common sense message from a famous reprobate, whose empty and confuse experience is leading him to question the sanity of his former way of thinking and living.

My friend and fellow musician, Kate Thomsen Gremillion, introduces this video with these words:

This is great conversation starter about the harmful, nay devastating effects of porn through its dehumanizing view of sex and life. The weird thing is the disclaimer at the beginning. (Pictured in the comments below).

What's that about? Bear with me (or bare with me as Brand seems to be saying:)

Since the Enlightenment, the only accepted truth is matter that can be seen through the eyes, touched with the hands, heard with the ears or tasted with the tongue. This thinking (called Empiricism) has led to all sorts of bizarre limitations to what we say we can know. Brand has a very important message but has to offer up this telling disclaimer at the beginning.

(I don't know if this is from the producer or Brand himself).

Notice how many times Brand appeals to his values to make the real case against porn. The science backs it up but ...


Science backs up truth?

It may surprise you to learn that modern science has its roots in the fertile fields of Christianity and that early practitioners of science were trying to uphold Truth. Brand quotes a Priest here as well. That's not insignificant. Truth is real and it is objective.

(That there is cause for "unfriending" or at the very least an "unfollow"!) :)0

If you have been disappointed by Christians in your past, it may well be that just as soft-core and hard-core porn give us too small a view of the story of sex and relationships, an incomplete knowledge of Christianity gives us too small a view of Christ. The most truly loving man ever to have lived was Jesus. He knew his name would cause problems and said as much. But, lucky for us, we learn of our faults and inner darkness through the whispers of the Holy Spirit who is gentle and unshaming. Sex isn't the problem. An incomplete view of each other and ourselves is. Maybe it is time to take a fresh look at things as they are.

Thank you, Russell for a great conversation starter.