Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Struggle For Life - Volume Eleven

The Reverend William Ryerson is Dr Wyman's guest speaker for this hour. But before we go to the propaganda methods of Ryerson, I want you to see a parallel paganism the "Evolutionary Transition" mythology has fostered. The fellow in the video below is Michael Brownlee. He is not a clergyman in any "formal" religion, rather he is an evangelist/propagandist for one of the "denominations" of the new Religion of Scientism, which we have been exposing in these lectures. These evangelist are promoting what they are calling "deep transition."  There is nothing new about it. It is the perennial ancient gnostic paganism newly packaged in the language of "science." Sadly many Christians do not truly grasp the reality and fullness of Christianity, and the amazing ontology Christian teaching (Tradition) and sacred scripture contain, so that in their broken theology they are prey for the likes of Michael Brownlee,  William Ryerson, Dr. Wyman and other.

Many have speculated that secularism, like the secularism produced by "Secular Humanism" as outlined the "Humanist Manifesto I and II" only leads to new mysticism, which in turn leads to new religions. Actually it only leads to the perennial paganism, the mythologies that have been with us from the start. For instance, the mythologies of self-creation and self-salvation, which are the ground of every paganism.  

If you think that Secular Humanism using the tools of "science" (Scientism) have not created religions, with apostles and evangelists, listen to this charismatic speaker paint the culture of death, as a mystical gift.  Listen to the rhetoric of the evangelist, "we are on a mission!" This is the same fanatical Scientism that blinded the anthropological world for a decade and a half, starting in the late sixties. (The Gentle Tasaday People - )  Desperate for proof of their emotional paganism they have been feeding us mythology after mythology couched in the language of science, and trying to place the Mark of the Beast upon us, and control us like a herd of dumb animals. They have succeeded in placing The Mark of The Beast upon masses of people in our culture, including now many Christians. IF we accept the paradigm of evolutionism, that we are purely material beings and simply the most highly evolved beast upon this planet, then we have accepted The Mark of The Beast. What could be clearer. They say we are "beast only" how could you agree with that and not be "marked as a beast"? Now an accepted wing of the culture is spewing out the stories of our D.N.A. being manipulated by "Alien Creatures" - so these would be sky or space Beasts, more highly evolved. These Space Beasts who in ancient times manipulated the D.N.A. of an Ape species and created man, are our creator - according to this mythology. And like all ancient paganism the one constant is material being and it is the only thing that is eternal. The "Deep Transition" people say that we as a species (not as individuals mind you) had the capability of self-creation, self-regeneration, and self-salvation and we are on the verge of a great and dangerous process at the moment of a new self-regeneration and only a few elite will survive it. The rest will be lost. Don't take my word for it:

Brownlee in bold - Yours truly in regular font:
"We all find ourselves in an extraordinary position (Wow, we are special) an excruciating position (This is going to require sacrifice and suffering)  Really, we have awakened, in a magnificent and unimaginable beautiful world that is now undergoing it most devastating crisis in the last sixty-five million years since the dinosaurs became extinct. 

What a statement!  Where is the proof?  It is of course the mythology of Global Warming - yet another mythology of manipulation the Religion of Scientism is pushing at the moment. This fellow and real science have little information about what has transpired in the past sixty-five MILLION years. Any honest scientist will tell you that when looking at the "artifacts of history" we have very little information and stare into immense darkness.  He doesn't know but he is a "religionist" he thinks he knows. The evangelists of Deep Transition Scientism stand on the shoulders of the high priests of Transition Scientism, who are the evolutionary-biologists, anthropologists and the speculative physicists. Nothing speaks hubris more than a Scientistic Evangelist!   

And worse we leaned that the source of this current unfolding global devastation is the manner and magnitude in which our own species has been living on this planet. 

Again, utter hubris. Nature has the capacity to on any particular day wipe humanity from the face of the globe. Still at this point in time the vast majority of land upon the earth is uninhabited and the billions who live on this planet have just begun to understand another level of natural resources and technology capable of created the waste places as paradise. After all in Israel, there are fish farms in the dessert, the means of desalinization of sea water has become inexpensive and at least 80% of the planet is empty of human population. It has been conclusively proved that the present human population has little effect on the earth's temperature, all true science knows this, it is objective and observable, but this isn't the mythology of scientism, this isn't what will gain government grants and further the cause of the culture of death.  Make no mistake. There is nothing innocent in this, those most caught up in it are ignorant and enthusiastic dupes, Scientism creates a culture of death, it is human destroying, and as a result the society it produces is simply Satanic. We know this if we understand the paleo-hebrew signs, the pictographs that when placed together create the name Satan. Those pictographs read, "he who chews up (destroys) life." 

Meanwhile human civilization itself seems to be beginning to unravel. 

Of course civilization itself seems to be unraveling. What else can happen when Secular Humanism gains power and constantly attacks the foundation of our very humanity?  The family is destroyed or becomes brutal - bestial. The community is destroyed and become dangerous, unfit for human children. You can attack the core of western civilization which is Christianity and expect to see an uplifting of humankind.  But Brownlee's statement confirms what many have said, that Secularism plastered upon society leads to new paganism. At present that paganism is quite "in-human" deadly, bestial and dangerous for our survival. 

We can see that humanity is on the brink of collapse, possibly of extinction, possibly of even undermining the prospects for all future life on the earth. 

Nothing like apocalyptic fear to stir the faithful. But follow the logic, or lack thereof. Brownlee's entire premise is that man is on the verge of a "deep transition" a bold and new evolutionary step. How could that be, if the evolutionary process has created the mass collapse he predicting?    

Charting the ever worsening trajectory of all of these trends can be quite disheartening.   It is an unfathomable situation that we face. Sometimes it drive us to our knees weeping. 

But never praying - since there is no one to hear the prayer. 

Mysteriously though, WE (motioning to everyone in the audience) seem incapable to succumbing to acquiescence or despair.  For we know that we are all seeing this and FEELING all of this for a reason. 

Do not doubt that the new priests of Scientism call on the mythological when it serves them. Here is a whole mystery cult being formed upon the paradigm designed by the high priests of Scientism. It is a deliberate dumbing down of the population, removing the Christian Tradition that can stand against a scientistic dictatorship and replacing it with pantheism - the perennial paganism of pre-history. Listen to the language of unreasoned emotions. This is calling on one of the conditioning keys - implanted by public education -    We mysteriously are all FEELING this for a reason. - Pretty amazing rhetoric!  

Purpose lurks behind the scenes. 

Here we face the Priests of Scientism again talking about "will" "intelligence" and "design" behind events. Here Brownlee clearly calls on the abstraction of "purpose" as if "purpose" holds "personhood" "intelligence" "will" and "design."  I am sure if you pushed him you would discover that he believe that "Gaia - that is Mother Earth, or Mother Universe" is speaking to him.   

Surely each one of us in this room has been implicated and is culpable in our shared crisis. 

So guess what?!  The idea of original sin is all superstition and fantasy, as the new Religion of Scientism clearly teaches. After all who wants to be hampered on the level of genital relations; who wants their "style" dampened by moral imperatives? Not to worry, we can replace that "guilt" with "guilt" of contemporary origin. You are a monster, a curse upon the earth, ruining the planet. You personally. Simply by means of taking breathes on this planet, YOU are guilty. YOU are implicated, YOU are culpable.  I really hope he does an altar call. 

There is much more that blooms in our awareness these days, something far more unsettling, it is as if each of us grappling with these realizations has been sent here precisely at this moment in history because we bear some gift, something unique and necessary, essential. 

Wow, brothers and sisters, do you feeeeeeel the call? Do you realize your destiny? Do you realize this neo-pagan is here to con you into it?  

Now whether this will remain an unopened package remains to be seen and the world (the whole world mind you) awaits the outcome. 

Suddenly the natural powers of the earth are personified and become the judge of your actions. - typical animist paradigm. 

Meanwhile we are caught between two worlds on the one hand a clawing and dysfunctional world that perhaps most of us never truly felt a part of and on the other hand a new world blooming on the horizon, that is by turns threatening and exhilarating. Somehow we find ourselves drawn to simultaneously hospice the old and midwife the new. 

Doesn't this sound like a post human ape, parroting Saint Paul the Apostle's words, talking about feeling death in his members while his body took on immortality? Amazing rhetoric for an evangelist of death! 

Perhaps even to illuminate the choice between them. 

Oh thank God, this Evangelist of Scientism is bringing the light - illuminate me brother - illuminate me. 

For many of us this is sometimes terribly disorienting.  Ironically in the face of all this 

"this" has never been defined 

we somehow find ourselves called to be leaders or organizers or catalysts or communicators or facilitators 

Did you HEAR that, "called to be" - WHAT? Yes absolutely, co-opting the language of the Evangelical - CALL TO BE!  Call by whom? I ask . . . . Hear the sucking silence that is the answer. There is no Whom in Scientism. Called to the greater mission - yes, but by what standard, what purpose? Called to the greater good - yes, but by what standard, what purpose? Called for a mission - yes, but by what means and to what ends? Called by whom  . . . . sucking silence.  

because they sense we see something or that perhaps we know something when mostly we just FEEEEEL."

As I said in a previous volume, about the deconstruction of reason and the assault on language, it is the object of the Post-humanists (those who have accepted their status as bestial) to remove reason from the picture and paint everything about "how one feels about it."  They make "feelings" the dictator over reason.  It matters not what may objectively be observed and learned, what matters is what the elitist are able to make us "feel" about it. This is all about calling on conditioning keys that have been given us by programing, instead of education. Agendas can be supported through mythologies based on the most scant evidence, or no evidence at all, like the Global Warming hoax, by calling on "conditioned keys" already programed into us by post-human conditioning, which depends on our 'animal response mechanism.' For those who have disavowed their connection to God, and have accepted their animal only status, they are defenseless to this conditioning; they are slaves to it. It is conditioning we have received through entertainment, literature, media and academia. Calling on this conditioning is the expertise of people like Dr Wyman and Mr Ryerson. This fellow is calling to the "belongingness response" and the "feel-good response." It was through these two responses that the Global Warming hoax almost created a universal-human-tax, administered by an international body. Read again, A universal-human-tax . . . a tax due "authority" by the mere act of sucking breath.  

Now after listening to Brownlee, don't you feel you are special and a part of this, a unique subset of human creatures with special perceptions and power - everyone else is just primitive and un-evolved. 

"We often respond to this calling, reluctantly, hesitatingly, incredulous that it just might somehow come down to us. 

Notice again the evangelical rhetoric - this is not science this is evangelism . . . evangelism on behalf of a new paganism, a religion called scientism. I can name the hundreds of sermons I heard in my youth by evangelicals talking about "answering God's call, reluctantly being "drawn to it" from a deep sense of need and responsibility for that need.  

After all, there is little choice. 

Just can't help answering the call - Praise the whatever exists in sucking silence. 

We know unequivocally we have much work to do and time is growing very short. 

Yes, brothers and sisters the fields are white with harvest. Can you hear the call? The time is growing oh so short! Where the southern evangelist might dangle the imminent event of the rapture and rail on about last days, and personal mortality, this fellow rails about the death of the planet, the coming evolutionary step that will leave the unenlightened behind etc. The conditioned responses are the same.  

Never mind that we do not know if it is already too late.  In these dark moments of a waning era, much depends on our response. 

As you see this is a call to "un-reasoning" Brothers and Sisters we have to answer the call, even when we don't know who is calling or what the true situation is, or where we are heading or anything about the type of world we are seeking to "co-create" or even if the situation has hope or none!  If faith is as the Secular Humanist like to paint it, "the belief in the unknown and irrational" guess what - this is faith.  Of course faith is really something quite different. Real Faith is born of experience of "real life" and he who is that LIFE.

And our ability to find and co-create with other who are similarly CALLED. 

Yes, brothers and sisters it is a joint call to become "co-creators" that is co-saviors. 

And whatever arena has drawn us. 

I never knew that humans were "called" "drawn" to anything by 'arenas', live and learn. 

Truth is, until I heard Michael Michael Brownlee speak I thought that the snake oil salesman of the nineteenth century and the used car salesman of the twentieth century, had cornered the southern evangelical rhetorical style, never guessed that a "deep transition" fear mongering demagogue would be so talented. Here the pagans have adopted the religious rhetoric of the fundamentalist Christians and I'm sure are using it to great effect. Satan himself has grown quite effective in this rhetorical style. Listen to Louis Farrakhan and some of the grossly heretical T.V. ministries and you will see what I mean. Well, listen to a speech by Barrack Obama. 

Even though the message is low key and couched in the language of Scientism, Ryerson's comments hold no more fact than the previous speaker.  A little research and what do I discover but that he has spent many decades, learning to use the rhetoric of various cultures, for the evangelization of Scientism, the fear mongering about Human population growth. Ryerson is an expert at using "drama" radio and T.V. to alter they behavior of cultures. In more truthful times we recognized that tool as "propaganda brainwashing." 

This is from Ryerson's own website, The Post Carbon Institute. I love the audacity of that name, The Post Carbon Institute.  Seems that Ryerson isn't satisfied with being merely "post-human"  - he is post plant life as well. Without adequate levels of Co2 - (Carbon Dioxide) Plant life on the earth cannot survive. History proves from core drillings at the poles that the Carbon Dioxide level in the atmosphere of the earth has been as much as one-hundred time higher than today. Plant life depends on Carbon Dioxide for the process of "photosynthesis" which give plants energy, and in the process the plants produce oxygen. Lower C02 and you inhibit plant growth. Some scientists state clearly that we are Co2 deprived in this century. There are many places that are desert would be lush farm land, if the Co2 levels were higher. Remember that ALL life upon the planet depends on photosynthesis - and plant life - and photosynthesis depends on plentiful Co2.  But Ryerson want to be "post Carbon" - this is insanity.  I should create a "post-breath institute." We certainly have thousands of "post-human" institutions and some are very powerful entities.

Lord Christopher Monckton Lecture exposing the fraud of Climate Change. Notice the poor quality of this production, where the graphic presentation is not shown. It makes of this truth teller an egoist, prancing on stage.  IF you were privy to the data he exposes you would not doubt that Global Warming is a Marxist tool.  Do YOUR own research and seek the truth. NOTHING Monckton says in his presentation is false. 

National Press Club Debate Dr Richard Denniss vs Lord Christopher Monckton. What is really sad about watching this debate, is understanding that Lord Monckton is actually telling the unabridged truth about the state of the REAL science.  His opponent is just another victim of "Scientism" ready to carry the "mystical" and unproved lie. 

What Lord Monckton said about carbon dioxide and the health of the planet is true. The great desert wastelands should be covered in oxygen producing plants and could be, if Satan (the destroyer of life  - the inspiration of such groups as the "Post Carbon Institute") were not driving mankind to insanity and destruction.  THINK! The fact is our planet is carbon starved, compared to other eras of Human history. ALL plant life is dependent upon Carbon Dioxide for survival. Plant life is the first step of the food change. AND plant life provides oxygen for all the breathing creatures upon the earth, cold and warm blooded.   

Also when Richard Denniss was calling on "NASA" data, the news had not reached him apparently of the fact that NASA held onto data refuting Global Warming for three years, and only released it the month of this debate, stating that from "observation" via satellite, the earth radiates far more heat into space than has previously been estimated, and far more than any climatological model has allowed. This is hard fact, and this one fact alone disproves the mythology of Global Warming.  

But there is a greater lesson to be learned. Richard Denniss again and again called on the notion of "settled science" despite the fact that the science is NOT settled by those scientists who are not part of the cult of Scientism. Those scientists admit that there is and has always been climate change. We know that geology and archeology give us a constant record of it. Places that were jungles were deserts, places that were ocean are dry land. There are even places that were dry land that are now ocean.  

It is also settled that there is no global warming, that in fact the earth has been in a cooling cycle since 1996. And that because the earth is in a cooling cycle and Co2 levels have not decreased the tie between Co2 levels and climate temperature (global warm) doest not exist in any way man can affirm or understand at the moment.  Other climate regulating mechanisms are at play which we do not fully understand.  

But just as through reason Darwinism was immediately disproved, but those of the cult of Scientism needed it for their goals and kept the myth alive, so today the mythology of "man produced" Co2 being an imminent danger to the earth, and man himself being an imminent danger to the earth will never be dropped.  Since Scientism is anti-life, (not science, real science which is knowable, noble and serves mankind) it sees the human as an aberration of nature, a danger to nature, a mere beast to be domesticated and harvested if need me. And the statistics show that the harvesting is happening on a grand scale. Remember the 800 million plus abortions from 1982 to 2002. Only the elite who have evolved or are evolving in this deep transition have any right to live, and right to be protected. 

Truth Has No Agenda:

WE are dealing with first class manipulators here . . . read carefully: 

"William Ryerson is founder and President of Population Media Center, and President of the Population Institute. He has a 38-year history of working in the field of reproductive health, including two decades of experience adapting the Sabido methodology for behavior change communications to various cultural settings worldwide. He has also been involved in the design of research to measure the effects of such projects in a number of countries, one of which led to a series of publications regarding a serialized radio drama in Tanzania and its effects on HIV/AIDS avoidance and family planning use. In 2006, he was awarded the Nafis Sadik Prize for Courage from the Rotarian Action Group on Population and Development. William received a B.A. in Biology (Magna Cum Laude) from Amherst College and an M.Phil. in Biology from Yale University."

If I had any doubt about this course at Yale and Dr Wyman's goals being anything other than pure propaganda, this "guess lecturer" ridded me of all doubt. William Ryerson is a specialist in propaganda, only using another name for it, "The Sabido Methodology."  This fellow has spent a life time studying how to use "types of language" to influence particular groups.  These are the MASTER Propagandists in our mists.  Post-human - and at least for William Ryerson - by his own testimony - Post-Carbon!

It is NOT sensationalism to remind you of the Paleo-Hebrew symbols for Satan - meaning "He who destroys life." You could not point to a more impressive Icon of the destruction of life on earth as the idea of being of "post carbon."  No carbon, no life.  Brace yourselves the fun has just begun

My God! Did you hear the introduction by Dr Wyman of this Evangelist of Scientism's culture of death, William Ryerson.  

He said, "Today we are very pleased to have William Ryerson as our guest speaker and he is President of the Population Media Center, which by the end of this lecture you will know what that is.  (If you have followed these lectures you already know what that means.) He graduated from Amherst College and then he became one of us. (One of us - that language after Dr Wyman cautioned and cautioned and cautioned about the danger of the idea of them and "us". ) He was a graduate student at Yale studying  entomology, the ecology of insects. And that field people seem to realize that humans are pushing even the insects out of existence, so he then became interested in the human aspects of ecological population kinds of things. (Did you have any idea you were a threat to insect life? - You are not. It is a lie.) Thirty-three years ago he started working in the field of reproductive health.  And then after fifteen years of that he got involved with a group that was making TV programs and radio dramas in developing countries and that are on social issues of things that are troubling the societies in which they're shown to.  (Amazing grasp of language for a Yale professor!) Eventually he founded this group, "The Population Media Center," and is both the founder and the President of PMC. (Note as I said a propagandists.) These soap operas are different than the type of soap operas we are used to in America. Their purpose is to explore the social change and deal with the issues that are of great currency for developing countries where the cultures are changing rapidly in one one direction or another, or not changing rapidly as the case may be. (Notice the "economic language" even in the introduction "of great currency." One of the big foci is women's reproductive issues, population issues, HIV issues, child bride issues, all the kinds of  - - a lot of the ones that we've been talking about in the class. "

As you see my identifying Willam Ryerson as a propagandist is not exaggeration at all.  Outline the methods and goals of a propagandist, compare the methods and goal of Ryerson, they are identical. One has to remember that the use of propaganda is to get a person to act or not act contrary to what they would do by use of their own reason. In this goal, whether the action or inaction wanted is good or evil, lies will be used as a tool just as surely as facts would be used, if facts fit. We saw this with the previous story told by Wyman about the use of anti-abortion videos in Ireland. Not for the purpose the videos were made, but so Planned Parenthood could save money. 

Back to Dr Wyman's introduction: 
What is nice about him, and due to his Yale training of course is that both in the design of these programs, he uses really good academic research, what's really known about social change and the induction of social change, they just don't go off and be artsy-fartsy about anything, (Exactly, as a propagandist he exploits every information he can gain about the culture.) They really study what is the successful way of doing this. (this = Propaganda)  Not only that, then there's really three stages of professionalism. One, understanding the academic stuff so you know what you're doing,  then getting the very best people in whatever country you're working in, the real good actors, the major producers, and groups that really know what they're doing in terms of entertainment and that leads to great success, which he'll describe. And further the third step is once you've done it, did it work, and that's the real serious research, finding out if you're done something. You're hoping to incorporate some sort of social change, well, did it work? And that's not easy, but again Bill's group has used the most careful and stringent academic research to try to get at that issue. And so these programs have turned out to be very popular successes and you will hear about that and they have indeed been successful in fostering social change. And so, I put Bill into the category of 'people who have made a difference.' This is not a huge category . . . " 

Actually it is a huge category, since it has been the means of T.V. and movie production in the developed world for the last 50 plus years, the constant attack on everything Traditional, family, sexual mores, The Church, freedom, gun rights, and on and on. It is so successful that in modern times when one says, priest, one thinks "pedophile, sexual predator, cowardly manipulator, etc," When the fact is protestants ministries and every secular help profession have sexual scandals on a scale ten to fifty times higher than the worst of the priest scandal years. 

Here is an article written by a prominent Jewish business man which tell the truth of this assault upon the Catholic Church, he gives the comparative record. 

When you say "conservative Christian" vast numbers of people think, "bigot, homophobe, wife abuser, etc" In the article above where the Jewish business man is extolling the virtues of the Roman Catholic Church, he says that conservative christians are anti-catholic and have merely traded their KKK white sheets for modern business clothes.  It is a clearly bigoted statement. He thinks that the attacks on the Catholic Church are from the base of conservatives, when in fact the attack is from the progressivist who seek a marxist-scientistic post human society where the Church is discredited and thought of solely as a dark institution of superstition from the past. 

This attack upon every good thing is no accident of the "entertainment" industry, no mere 'cultural phenomena'.  It is the purposeful propaganda of the secular/humanist/scientistic/post-human powers which choose what will be distributed, and thus control content by distribution control. They will say, "Anyone is free to make a movie or produce a T.V. show." But if the content does not fit the post-human paradigm, it will never see syndication or distribution to mass audiences. If you do not tow the party line your film, your T.V. show, your music will not be distributed to mass audiences, regardless of the quality of the product. 

To understand who William Ryerson is, we cannot allow him to paint the history of his craft under the heading, "Sabido methodology for behavior change". That methodology is not new and has been part of the Cult of Scientism from its very beginnings. Actually, you can trace it back to Sir Francis Bacon and his book the New Atlantis, where he started promoting a world governed by "experts." Henri De Saint-Simon followed and others right up to Margaret Sanger's Eugenics propaganda, and Ernst Haeckel physiological eugenic propaganda that fired Hitler's imagination and followed by Joseph Goebbels etc. But the specific "population" propaganda has to be traced from Malthus, to Darwin, to Sanger and Haeckel, to Goebbels, to the groups supporting Planned Parenthood, and Planned Parenthood itself, then the Huxley grandson who was the U.N.'s first "science head" who was a Eugenicist, then the World Health Organization spawned by the U.N. etc., etc. Ryerson is a inheritor of this propaganda history. 

Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's top propagandist, learned his craft studying the Eugenic propaganda machine in the U.S. used by Woodrow Wilson and others.  He was a great admirer of people like William Ryerson. Propaganda through entertainment is not new, not original to the post-human William Ryerson. But it is a tool of the Post Humanists, those who refuse to honestly call upon the innate intelligence of the human and make their arguments based upon fact. Instead using tools of "behaviorism" seek to "condition" the beast to act in this way or that way, without resort to reason. It is a post-human science. In the first video showing Brownlee's evangelism speech, you see him calling upon "unreasoned emotion" which is the secret of all propaganda. It isn't enough to state things that are blatantly false, one must also make the person receiving the information think the information merely confirms who they are, or who they would want to be, and how they think. Listen to that tape again and hear the constant appeal to unreasoned, emotions. He is defining his audience for them, implanting in them who they are and how they must think, even though he admits it is "unreasonable." He is calling on what B.F. Skinner and others called, the belongingness response and 'the feel good' response  - packing every sentence with feel good, positive reinforcement. 

This should not surprise you because this is exactly what Dr Wyman did in the first hours of this course. Remember how he bemoaned the loss of possibly 100 million females over a very long period of 73 years via maltreatment by males and called it "evolutionary suicide"? But by hour 20 he was speaking of 800 million to one Billion abortions in a mere 20 year period, as a good, a reasonable thing, merely as a "back up plan for contraception. "

In pre-Nazi Germany the great Lutheran Church had grown so faithless, that when Hitler took control and his propaganda ministry explained to all the clergy in the nation the fact that they were going to replace their Christian symbols, even on the very altar, with Nazi symbols, and that one week the faithful would show up and it was a christian church the next week it was an institution of the National Socialists Party, very few clergyman stood up and spoke out vocally. But some did, and it was the only light of hope left in those dark times. 

Today in the face of the Obama Government forcing Eugenic policies upon Christian institutions, the pattern in Germany is repeated here in the U.S. Many faithful Roman Catholic Bishops are standing in rebellion of the policy, seeking redress in the courts, but the vast majority of Protestants have remained amazingly silent. Only a very few have joined the battle. Many faithful Christians, protestant and catholic stand ready to resist the "death polices" that are soon to arrive, and to some extent have already arrived in the ObamaCare policy. But many unfaithful protestant and catholic institutions have already accepted the "mark of the beast" by Ordaining unrepentant homosexuals and replacing the Gospel with the scientistic paradigm. A huge portion of "biblical textual criticism" has as its underlying goal, making the "christian faith" a unitarian philosophy, that will be non-offensive to the dictates of the Cult of Scientism - this is merely a process of accepting "the mark of the beast." 

Can't help but note Mr Ryerson's tale about water supplies. It would sound so very convincing if we didn't know that international sources are buying up waterways as fast as they possibly can.  And to what purpose? I "believe" I know. It isn't a matter of preserving wet lands and the like, it is the fact that their last several campaigns to collapse America, and usher in the "new world order" have failed. Their tactic was first to see if they could panic the world into international constraints, via horror stories of shortages.   By the way, "international constraints" is just another way of saying world governance.  They spent years trying to panic people into believing that we were on the verge of a new ice age. The propagandist took the opportunity of the normal cold cycle of years, confirmed by real climatologist. 

Ryerson also mention the "sudden increase in food cost" as if it is a natural phenomena caused by "limited resources" pushing against increasing need because of population growth. Lord Monckton explained the reason for the sudden increase of food prices, all tied to "green technology" where a huge portion of American farmland is being used to create "renewable energy" - that is fuel, instead of food. This move lauded by the progressivist has caused cruelty in the 3rd world and increased food prices in the U.S. by more than 100 per in the last three years alone. It is an insane policy, not a real shortage. 

This mythology of "shortages" is a tool of the post-humanists also. Remember Brownlee mentioned a list of "peak" things, "peak oil production" "peak food production" "peak carbon emissions" all pointing to "peak population" etc. Ryerson and Wyman have also referenced "peak commodity" scenarios. The monied powers put us through terrible artificial oil shortages under Nixon and then under Ford and Carter.  Most people do not know the real story of how oil is produced. Most people ignorantly believe that they are driving around using the carbonize remains of dinosaurs, something called, "fossil fuels." For that to have been so, the dinosaur population of the earth had to have been in the trillions of trillions of trillions.  In ignorance, since oil is "carbon based" previously the scientists believed that only living matter produced carbon. They were wrong. One of the processes of the inner earth, the earth's core causes carbon based oil to moved toward the surface. There is so much oil on earth that to call it "reserves" is silly, since it is the second most available liquid, water being the first. Talking about oil reserves is very much like talking about ocean reserves. It is what it is.

next was Global Warming

The Global Warming Con Game:

Next was pandemics.

If you wanted to reduce world population and also create world governance what better tool than the fake bird flu "pandemic". 

This pandemic was stopped purely by the mercy of God. A lab worker, who was not responsible to check the content and purity of vaccines for an explicable reasons, he himself could not state, decided to check this batch of vaccine and discovered it to be a biological weapon, set to create a bird-flu pandemic. This isn't fiction folks. I was aware of the event then it took place. The media did not "distribute" the story. 

Czech newspapers are questioning whether the shocking discovery of vaccines contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus -- distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter -- were part of a conspiracy to provoke a pandemic.  

You just can't be blind to the "harvest of beasts" by post humans, presently underway around the world. 

Murder by individual D.N.A. is not fiction. We saw H.A.A.R.P. weapon demonstrated in Arkansas. Beebe, Arkansas made international news in early January 2011 following the death of more than 3,000 red-winged blackbirds and European starlings over the community. Arkansas state wildlife authorities first received reports on December 31, 2010, shortly before midnight. Further investigation revealed the birds fell over a one-mile (1.6 km) area of Beebe, with no other dead birds found outside that concentrated zone. The birds showed signs of physical trauma, leading one ornithologist with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission to speculate the blackbirds might have been killed by lightning, high-altitude hail or possibly even fireworks. The birds were sent to laboratories in Georgia and Wisconsin for necropsies and to determine the cause of death. On January 5, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission confirmed that the incident was caused by a resident setting off professional-grade fireworks, startling the birds into a panic flight. 

Note: ALL the original reports named ONLY red-winged blackbirds, and included the information that many appeared to have internal injuries that appeared to be 'burns.'  It was months later before the European Starlings were added to the story. Each individual D.N.A. has a resonating frequency. HAARP technology can kill particular strains of D.N.A.

On New Year's Eve 2011, a few hours before entering into 2012, blackbirds again were reported to be falling to the ground in Beebe. Several hundred had plunged to their deaths according to the local television station KATV which also reported that its radar had shown a "large mass" over the town.  A later report estimated the count as high as 5,000 dead birds.

A lot of this was described in the 1950s in a lecture given by Bertrand Russell  at Oxford University:

"A totalitarian government with a scientific bent might do things that to us would seem horrifying. The Nazis were more scientific than the present rulers of Russia, and were more inclined towards the sort of atrocities that I have in mind. If they had survived, they would probably have soon taken to scientific breeding. Any nation which adopts this practice will, within a generation, secure great military advantage. The system, one may surmise, will be something like this: except possibly in the governing aristocracy, all but 5 percent of males and 30 percent of females will be sterilized. The 30 percent of females will be expected to spend the years from eighteen to forty in reproduction, in order to secure adequate cannon fodder.  As a rule, artificial insemination will be preferred to the natural method. The unsterilized, it they desire the pleasures of love, will usually have to seek them with sterilized partners."

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