Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Today's Witch Encounter

I for one will not stand politely when evil challenges the good.  I posted the following post on FB, and stirred up a witch.  BTW, this is the level of anti Christian hatred present in the new Pagan Veterans, who think they have faced evil and conquered it - who honestly have the delusion that because they battled against Jihad in the world, they are the 'good guys.'

Is Pope Francis Suggesting "Collectivism" or is he Challenging the Ruling International Cabal I've been telling you about for years?

When he uses the term "Capitalism" he is talking about the International Capitalist Oligarchs who have taken control of the WORLD's economy, and who control governments, LIKE OUR OWN. The people who have assaulted our culture trying to Control it and turn it into the likeness of THEIR plan. He is talking about the international economic KINGS, like were described by Dr Carroll Quigley half a century ago in his book "Tragedy and Hope". He is talking about the same Cabal that created the alliance between the NeoCons and Closet Marxists in our country with the Muslim Brotherhood, taking down our Constitutional Republic creating the Tyranny we are presently see here - an "Emergency Powers Dictatorship." What are the marks of this Dictatorship? The imposition of a police state, the destruction of all privacy, the massive suppression of Free Enterprise and the shameless and criminal robbing of our treasury by WHOM? The International Capitalist Establishment.


  • 3 people like this.
  • Marlene Wilkins Blackwinter wewill see, time reveals all things...but the Pope is part of that same 'cabal' lest we lose sight of that fact. 
  • Piano Butch Robinson Marlene Wilkins Blackwinter - your response is Bull - PURE BULL. You have NOT an iota of proof for such a charge except the writings of closet Jihadis, parading as radical Protestant "prophecy experts." These same sources have told you that "the Illuminiti" is a Jewish conspiracy - more hogwash.
  • Marlene Wilkins Blackwinter Piano...read some damned history, take a Good Hard Look at the Vatican, the Catholic Church, and how it and the Popes have had their hands in finances and politics for centuries. As for accusing me of associating with muzzies, get stuffed, I will not tolerate or accept being associated with such drainglogs in any way shape or form. As for 'the jewish conspiracy' that is pure BS, and always has been. The 'illuminati'...real, fictional, they're irrelevant. So rea some history, check out ther facts, and you'll find all the proof there for my charge vs. the papacy.
  • Piano Butch Robinson The Illuminiti fiction - that is not what the most renown historian of the 20th century thought - the passage I quoted in the article. As for Catholicism being "evil" you are just an ignorant bigot.
  • Marlene Wilkins Blackwinter No, Piano, I'm a Pagan and a knowledgable about History. Go ahead, unless you're afraid, go and look it all up for yourself, in books, in a Library. You won't believe me, so find it with your own eyes, or be a coward and sling pointless and idiotic accusations vs. me...one way makes you look the fool, the other shows you the Facts of the past. You're call.
  • Piano Butch Robinson Marlene Wilkins Blackwinter, I have studied ALL the early Christian writings, and the lion's share of the Church's writings and a great many histories of the Church from many different angles. YOU are a liar if you picture the Church as a basic evil in the world. And YOU show yourself to be the fool.
    about an hour ago · Edited · Like · 1
  • Piano Butch Robinson Amazing that you take the side of Islam on the subject, Marlene. I'm sure most Imams share your opinion.
  • Marlene Wilkins Blackwinter Everything you just said, shows the world all that needs be shown about you and how truly open your mind is to Facts and knowledge. You're the kind of 'christian' that gives Christianity a bad name and endangers Christians worldwide, some of whom are very close and dear friends of mine. Consider that, you insufferably arrogant and wrongheaded klown.
  • Piano Butch Robinson Wow, you said that like the racists in the south use to say they had black friends. <smile>. What I am is a knowledgeable Christian who knows both sacred and secular history and is not impressed by your boasting and lies.
  • Marlene Wilkins Blackwinter oh, yes...I take the side of islam...LOL Uh-Huh...yeah, check out my profile, ask around...my preferred term for muzzies is 'drainclog' and I do not and never will consider them Human. I do not give a damn what muzzies have to say about anything, and all they are doing is they're classic crap, misappropriating info from sources, claiming it as their own. The information I cite about the Papacy and such comes from NON-muzzie sources. And I will tell u this, assklown...make NO mistake, I consider it a VERY grave affront to be associated with muzzies...
  • Piano Butch Robinson It is the anti-Catholic line created by the Civilization Jihadis and you are too stupid to know it.
  • Marlene Wilkins Blackwinter How much blood, real blood, of you're own have YOU shed for Christians? I've nearly been killed twice defending Christians from muzzie jerkoffs in our city, I shed MY blood and theirs in defense of Christians, and will do so again if need be.Talk to me when you've been in a knife-fight with a f8cktard muzzie wannabe jihadist intent on killing a woman just because she's wearing a crucifix.
  • Marlene Wilkins Blackwinter And look up my cover pic, that's your Warning, boyo.
  • Piano Butch Robinson I was a prison chaplain for years Marlene, with a hit on me by the Muslims, attacked twice. Your braggarty abuse doesn't make you any less ignorant or bigoted.
  • Piano Butch Robinson OOh a witch! Sweetheart you are talking to an exorcist. I'm ready.
  • Marlene Wilkins Blackwinter That's special...how many times have you put your life On The Line for your fellow Christians?? None. As for your other comments about me, well...now who's the bigot?? Oh, wait, you'll claim you're NOT because you're 'christian'. And you plainly know not one tiny thing about the reality of Witchery, or Paganity and show yourself to be every bit as narrow-minded and laughable as I pointed you out as earlier, by your own words no less.
  • Piano Butch Robinson Ignorant assumption Marlene - all of your assumptions so far, pure ignorance.
  • Piano Butch Robinson Your hatred and slander of the Christian Church shows your heart, which is bigoted.
  • Marlene Wilkins Blackwinter here we go...putting words in my mouth. Claiming I hate the Christian church because I have historical knowledge about the centuries of corruption, greed, underhanded financial dealings and other such crap the papacy is known for. Grow Up. Where did I ever state I hate Christianity?? Hmmm??? Answer that question, I call u out on it.
  • Piano Butch Robinson Your claim is that because the Church has experienced corruption in the world in its history that it is not real. What is real about the Church is contained in her power, the power of the Apostolic ministry non-diluted in 2000 years of time, Christ's presence with us. Any time you want to meet face to face I can prove its real power in the world and never lift a hand or lift my voice. The last warlock who challenged me, entered the room telling me he was going to kill me and f--- my corpse. Yet as a result of the encounter he spent more than a year MUTE, locked in a padded cell, unable to speak, and when he came to consciousness the first thing he said was, "Please get Father Rob, I need to speak with him." So no, I'm not twisting your words. You made the threat saying, " And look up my cover pic, that's your Warning, boyo." <smile> I'm warned and MOCKING you.

    • Marlene Wilkins Blackwinter
      That wasn't a Witch. The term 'Witch' is the same as the title' Doctor' or 'engineer'...non-gender specific, that was a psychotic, and assuredly NOT a Pagan. That wasn't a Threat, that was a Warning and I will not be sending spells or such...I will simply expose you, by your own words and actions, to be the fool and semi-psychotic you so plainly are. You live in a fantasy world, that much is clear and I am done with you, you are a waste of precious time. Time I can spend with friends, or assisting Husband in working on the energy projects we have in the offing that OPEC and others are so terrified of. You know nothing about me, are unwilling to listen, and refute cold, hard Facts in history in favor of...delusional nonsense. I don't fight with people like you, I ignore them. But if u make the mistake of harrassing me outside this post/article you will find a side of me that is not as pleasant as I am being now.
    • Piano Butch Robinson More arrogant assumptions. You claim to know the heart and religion of a man you never met - he was Wiccan - one of the most famous in Georgia. Well, looking forwards to being ignored, <smile>. I've placed your name on my prayer list. Wow - you can't stop the threats can you? Seething with threats.
    • Marlene Wilkins Blackwinter you plainly cannot tell the difference between a Warning and Threat. That's you're problem, and I could not care less. Save your prayers, I have a good life and am grateful for such every day. U imply that I need 'saving'...I do not. I'm not some 'new ager', I come from a long line of Paganity, in England and from my Native bloodline. I will always honor and stand with the Old Ways, and defend them as needed from those seeking to tear them down again. As for you, I go by what you write, and look back on what you've written...consider those words, to one standing outside yourself. See yourself as the world sees you.
    • Piano Butch Robinson All the more reason to pray for you. <smile>

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