Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Struggle For Life - Volume One

The survival of the Human Being on earth is not inevitable. Whether we realize it or not, in the biological world, our survival has all the question marks over it that thousands of extinct species had over their survival. If we took the biological, that is, the purely material as the paradigm, the truth is then, man's survival would be questionable.  It is important to understand the precious commodity that is biological life. Because without a real appreciation for "nature",  a real understanding of man's relationship with God is impossible.

The Genesis story tells us that mankind exists in a fallen state. Not only that, that the entire created-being - that is all of nature is corrupted and struggles, by means of the fall of mankind. As theological and abstract as this sounds, all one has to do to see the reality of fallen nature is to study it.  The fact is, Christians, if they are really Christian, they need to study fallen nature so that they may understand what repentance, restoration, renewal, and regeneration mean. 

The survival of each species of creature is questionable. Each species struggles against death, struggles against deadly forces to merely procreate. Without procreation there is no survival of a species. For most creatures their entire life is spent in the struggle for food and opportunity to procreate. This isn't a paradise but a torturous, tedious, sometime heartening struggle.  

Let us take a look at the narrow science of the mere propagation of species. (Remember that Darwin dared to talk of the "Origin Of Species, Through Natural Selection)  - that sounds so leisurely and peaceful, ( do you want to select the herbal tea or the Earl Grey?)  The sort of thing a bored elitist of English privileged society might envision. The fact is that the mere propagation of species is an onerous burden.  

The possibility of the evolution of a species through the burden of propagation imperative seems . . . . well a fantasy.  Mere propagation is brutal and interesting.  The struggle of mere propagation places in relief the importance of man's civilization, which upon most continents of the earth, seems reasonable on the surface, at least where reason reigns.  To some extent compared to the struggles of primitive man, things seem more closely based, upon the "Law of God." In most every society, murder is murder, theft is theft. But there are limitations. Rape isn't always rape, abuse isn't always abuse, and unjust killing isn't always viewed as murder. Still, it seems more humane than in primitive times. 

What is the law of God? 

The Ten Commandments. The etymology of the word, "Commandment" in the paleo-hebrew literally means, "guidance" "direction."  

To understand the meaning of "Thou Shalt Not Do Murder" or "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness" you have to understand that the law-giver was saying, "If you intend to survive as a species, you cannot condone murder, you cannot condone dissimulation (the deceivers), etc. To understand that in the Old Testament "The Way of the Lord" is first, survival for the species, is a wise starting point. This is extremely important to learn. So quickly let us review the Ten Commandments with this understanding, as if the Ten Commandments are "directions as to how the Human Species may survive." 

(1) I am your God, you can't listen to other gods and survive.
(2) If you sink into idol worship, you will not survive.
(3) You will respect my name - because I AM THE SOURCE OF ALL LIFE and I AM the only ONE who can cause you to survive.
(4) You will honor me with a weekly day of rest. (Many sociologists, psychologists, neuro-biologists,  and scientists of other disciplines have documented the need for letting go of everyday struggles and resting from work one day in seven.) 
(5) You will honor your parents, they have lessons you need to learn and experience to share with you, situations you will face. Take the time to listen to them, for the sake of your own survival.
(6) You will do no murder - because killing without just reason is insanity and destroys the lines of D.N.A. you will need to survive as a species. 
(7) You will not commit adultery - the safest way to guard the child bearer from unneeded exposure to disease and to keep sexual relations safe for the purpose of procreation, is fidelity, all civilizations that lose this truth fail and fail pretty quickly.
(8) You will not steal. - Stealing could leave others destitute, and create chaos, like rape. Stealing is an act of anarchy, a rebellion against the good of all. These are the actions of beasts not the proper actions of humans who intend to survive.  
(9) You will not lie because truth is the only means of survival. It is not just believe a lie and be damned - as if being damned is an abstraction. Live life based on lies and the delusions you accept will kill you.
(10) You will work for what you have and not covet what others have - since work and "production" is needed for survival. 

It is clear to see that in a concrete way, these "directions for survival" have a net effect of increasing the odds for the survival of the human species. How? By making man "communal" and not singular (an advantage for survival) and focusing him on what survival takes.  This may seem silly to you but shortly it will not seem so off base. 

I'm not removing the theological implication of the Ten Commandments, just looking at one aspect of their meaning - for the health and survival of a community of humans. 

I want to follow Father Thomas Hopko's advice and "listen to the science." At the same time I will listen and comment "as a skeptic knowing that pure science, that is observation and hypothesis, quickly becomes scientism which is a religion that creates a culture of death."  So along the way I will be pointing out where science pretends to the status of the "metaphysical" and becomes "scientism." I will also point out errors and propaganda.  We will use the lectures of Robert J. Wyman, Professor of Biology, Yale University. Wyman is also the Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Program Director at Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Science Education Program. He teaches Yale’s only course on population issues: Global Problems of Population Growth. People come from all around the world to hear his lectures and he is one of the foremost "experts" on the subject. His primary discipline is "bio-neurology" but 40 years ago became interested in bio-demographics, the evolution of populations and culture's effect upon population growth. He is a member of the Leadership Council, Planned Parenthood of Connecticut (PPC) as well as a former board member: PPC, Connecticut NARAL, Urban League of New Haven, Center for Children’s Environmental Literature, and Horizon Communications. Wyman received an AB from Harvard College and an MS and PhD from the University of California, Berkeley."

Dr Wyman's area of expertise is the sexual/economic/cultural means of the survival of the various species, and the implications of that upon human population.  In his presentations, he details the monumental struggle species endure just to survive as species.  Of course, as is all Natural Science, his perspective is from an "Evolutionary Perspective". Yet, many things he says in the series refute Darwin and the "Survival of The Fittest" etc.  I hate the word 'fascinating' because of its etymology, meaning "hypnosis."  However, in the modern jargon, meaning very interesting, what he exposes about the herculean struggle for mere survival of species is indeed "fascinating." 

However, just for fun. Notice how he uses anthropomorphic language in speaking of "evolution."  Like, "Evolution likes" "Evolution dislikes" "Evolution decides" etc.  And the way he uses anthropomorphism giving to the particular creatures 'rational thought processes' with an evolutionary bias! Amazing creative creatures, these primitive forms of life must have been!  At one point he realizes he is doing this and says, "Well, of course not . . " etc.  THINK! . . . without the conscious reasoning of the creatures, in the way he is describing, the narrative breaks down. Unless "evolution" is given personhood, with will, desire, and reason capable of design, the narrative most certainly breaks down. This is the fallacy of Darwinism/Evolution and make of it "Scientism" instead of Science.  The personifying of Evolution graphically demonstrates the poverty of evolutionary theory. While creatures are struggling just to survive as a species (and most species have not survived) they are planning and accomplishing their next evolutionary step. The proposition is absurd. But the evolutionist paradigm aside, the raw data he exposes is, well . . . there is that word . . . simply "fascinating."  

Anyone watching this could have little doubt of the fallen nature of "nature." 

Minute 0 - 5.00 Dr Wyman talks about the violence of men against women. He takes a whirlwind/worldwide tour of gross abuses of women, and states the abuses in evolutionary terms.  What if there is something else at work? We will always be asking, "What if there is something else at work?"  

As he was speaking, as a former prison chaplain I could think of many cases that fit his classic examples of the domination of women, the depth of sexual emotions and instinct, the basic, "If I can't have her no one will" mentality.

In my own experience: One man, a friend of mine - a man who came to sanity like King David did -  caught his wife cheating, killed her, had sex with her corpse for days until it became too gross for even his insane, drug-hazed mind to tolerate.  Then he dismembered her, packed her dismembered body into a 55 gallon barrel in the back yard and continued his cocaine alcohol daze for two more weeks. The barrel in the back yard began to smell so badly neighbors recognized the smell and called the police.

Another, was only sixteen, the son of a crack whore. The only family he knew was a family who took every opportunity they could to invite him to eat food and spend time with them. They had a daughter his age and ten years into this charity their daughter turned up pregnant.  The young couple (16) married, and three months in, following an argument the pregnant sixteen year old said, "I'm going home to Momma." Momma was only three blocks away. He ran her over with a car before she could reach home.  When I met him at 22, he had already been in prison for 5 years and had 15 more years to go.  Amazingly the girl survived and so did the baby, without a lot of apparent permanent damage. These and three dozen more, fit the picture. But what about the others?

A 17 year old young woman sacrificed to Satan by a group of satanist in a very conservative county in Georgia. The murders related to well know people. A baby sacrificed to Satan upon a cook stove, the murderer a young wealthy man, his father the owner of a very large auto dealership.  Where do these fit in the evolutionary model? I doubt the Yale professor can make these fit his evolutionist paradigm? 

Personal experience: 
I arrived at a home one morning in a very wealthy neighborhood. I knocked on the door, just as a car raced out of the driveway. I was insistent at the door, feeling violence in the air, intuitively worried about the female resident. When the woman opened the door she was beaten terribly, teeth broken, face unrecognizable. Long story short, her husband had just done this. I talked her into going into a shelter that some friends ran.  Three months later, she returned to her husband. A few months after that a young girl (13) approached me and said, "Are you Father Rob?" I said, "Yes."  She reminded me that we had met when I took her from school the day her mother was beaten. We talked for a short while, and feeling like a total pervert, having to utter such words to an innocent child, I said, "You realize that your father is practicing to kill your mother, and shortly he will kill her."  I felt like I was abusing an innocent child saying these words. But the response, filling me in on details of horrible sexual depravity, let me know I was supposed to be saying what I was saying. I told her, "The second you hear your mother scream, call 911. Don't hesitate, just do it and say, "My father is killing my mother, send an ambulance and police to . . . " Six month after the wife returned, in the video recording studio that doubled as their perverted "playroom" during a sexual interlude the husband took a wine bottle, broke it over the side table and raped her with the jagged edge. The girl called and against all odds the EMT's saved her mother's life.  

In the corrupt world of politics, he wasn't prosecuted. She got a 5 million dollar settlement and a million dollar home. I would bet some D.A. got a handsome bribe. The monster got a divorce, monitored visitation rights, and shortly a new wife to abuse. He was a very wealthy developer, who spent the next decade of his life trying to destroy mine. 

Demeaning his wife with sadistic pleasure was the focal point of his life. He would reward trusted work crews with the use of his wife. He would tape her having sex with multiple men. I saw seven tapes of her gang raped. She was willing or unwilling according to the state of her drug-compromised mind. Everyone that worked for him knew he was a sick f.... but he paid very well.  What evolutionary model does that fit? 

Later Dr Wyman talks of the ignorance of tribesmen, who honestly believe that the fetus in their pregnant wives were nourished by semen, so they solicited the help of fellow tribesmen to furnish the semen for the fetus' survival. Sexual corruption does not require such noble motive in the human animal. There is no Darwinian model, no evolutionary model that is capable of explicating the array of sexual insanity present in the human species - witnessed by the content of the Internet, the abuse of bodies, the injuries, the disease and death.  Let us be real - nothing in the idea of the "survival of the fittest" or "natural selection" explains this insanity. There is no explanation that fits except a malevolent hatred of humanity, which is capable of possessing humans. A malevolent wish to see the human species come to extinction.  That is the paleo-hebrew meaning of the name for Satan - he who destroys LIFE. The next time you think of Human Abortion, remember this name. 

Life struggles to be!  It isn't a given. Life has to STRUGGLE to be.  There is a force in this world that hates all life. But more than any other life form, evil hates mankind.  That evil force of destruction functions in a 24/7/365 campaign to destroy us.  We survive only by the mercy of God. 

In case you doubt what I am saying, listen to the Yale University evolutionist/biologist/socio-demographer confirm what I've just said. Starting just after minute 5:00 

"During the long course of human history females are treated very badly. There is a huge amount of battering. Battering is the prime human version of violence. And females are so discriminated against that statistics indicate that there is something now, right now, something like a hundred million missing females. That these females are either aborted, ah . . before they are born, killed by infanticide, pretty much as soon as they are born, or neglected so that they don't get the food, or they don't get the medical care, that their brothers get.  There is a dearth of something like a hundred million women in the world today, and uh . . so . . these are ah . . extreme incidences . . but it is an extremely common . . ah . . .thing. One of the purposes of this course is to get you to understand what is causing all of this." 

Listen to the linguistic game this fellow has to play to keep from having the femanazis picketing his office!  How linguistically do we reconcile, "extreme incidences and extremely common."  It means it is the HELLISH reality, an attack upon the species of Human!  What else can it mean? 

I often wax eloquently or at least boringly about the one-hundred and twenty million Christians killed in the last one hundred and fifty years for being Christian.  How do we reconcile one hundred million FEMALE humans destroyed for merely being FEMALE? 

Just stop and read that paragraph again. You feminist who cling to your hedonism, read that paragraph again and THINK what it says about your gender. You people who think that evil does not exist in the world, READ it again. This is a YALE professor talking in the evolutionary paradigm which you think is Gospel.  I don't buy his paradigm but I don't doubt this statistic. 

"During the long course of human history females are treated very badly. There is a huge amount of battering. Battering is the prime human version of violence. And females are so discriminated against that statistics indicate that there is something now, right now, something like a hundred million missing females. That these females are either aborted, ah . . before they are born, killed by infanticide, pretty much as soon as they are born, or neglected so that they don't get the food, or they don't get the medical care, that their brothers get.  There is a dearth of something like a hundred million women in the world today, and uh . . so . . these are ah . . extreme incidences . . but it is an extremely common . . ah . . .thing. One of the purposes of this course it to get you to understand what is causing all of this." 

Listen to his next statement: "From a biological point of view this abuse of females is extremely weird.  Ah . . males as you know can only reproduce by a female. And so  . . an evolutionist . . ah . . the name of the game is reproducing. So almost all species, what kind of a female do the males want? They want the healthiest, the most well protected, the most well fed female, and you will see some examples of the extremes males will go to ah, ah . . provide this, so that that female can produce off springs for that male and carry on the evolution game." "In the evolution game, it just doesn't make sense that human males should keep their females hungry, sick, and abused." "So this is all a biological disaster the way human males treat human females and ah . . . we don't know why . . . ah we do . . we have some idea why humans do that . . . in the first part of the course we'll talk  . .  . something about that. " 

Personally I can't wait to hear the explanation from the evolutionist paradigm.  

"That's on an individual level, and evolution works on an individual level, but if you think on a species level, missing a hundred million of your breeders, that does not sound like a great tactic for survival of the species." 

Even in the paradigm of the elitist-evolutionists, from the mouth of a Yale biologist, the behavior of humans has become "insane." 

Listen to a little reality: Our Yale Professor still speaking about this insanity and his being drawn to it as a subject of study, research and interest. "So I spent some time when I started getting interested in this whole topic ah . . reading ah . . the anthropological literature, the sociological literature, the feminist literature, and basically I thought all those explanations were a crock. And I don't think they came close to  . . . to an answer." 

Wow! Never thought I would find myself in absolute agreement with a Yale Biologist concerning the corruption of humankind and the literature of the anthropologist, sociologist and feminists! What remains to be seen is if in the end I find any agreement with him. 

Dr Wyman really does a wonderful job of explaining why mere "reproduction" is extremely difficult. I'm sure that he does not realize the blow he is giving to evolution in general.  As stated, Doctrinaire Evolution would require the primitive species, while struggling with their mere survival via "reproduction" to map out a plan and accomplish the next step of evolution.  The premise is insane. And that is why 95 percent of the species that have existed on earth are now extinct.  This is what the fossil record shows. Life strives "to be," but there are enormous forces of death and destruction arrayed against LIFE.  It brings into context why the New Testament states that Death is the last enemy that God will conquer. "Then will be the end, when He hands over the kingdom to God, even the Father, when He abolishes every ruler and every authority and power. For He must reign till He puts all His enemies under His feet.  The last enemy that will be abolished is death." 


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