Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Struggle For Life - Volume Seven

In this Lecture Dr Wyman further soft-soaps Chinese birth policy.  In all fairness to him, China is just a statistical sub-set, and he is not viewing any of this from a "humanitarian" perspective, but from a "post-human" perspective. The anti-human bias and reality of the post-human is obvious and is plastered over most of the work of Yale's present day "natural sciences." 

Dr Wyman shares the story of HIV/AIDS and other diseases being spread in China via blood donation, which included the strange detail that after particular components of the blood are harvested that the blood is "pooled" literally mixed together, taken back to the villages and towns where it was donated (purchased) and given by needle, back to the people who donated so that they will be able to donate more blood quicker. Wyman states that this disease spreading enterprise is accomplished by "corrupt officials" without the slightest suspicion that it might be a policy of repression of certain districts and populations by China's government, a quiet genocide.  I love the naivete these "skeptical scientists" who suspend skepticism only where a leftist or communist government is concerned.  Remember his paranoia concerning Republicans and the Census, yet, a massive policy of blood transmission sure to spread deadly disease conducted by government entities in a communist country raises no suspicion whatsoever. "Just ignorance, these people have no idea of sterilization."  Amazing, but rather I suspect convenient naivete. 

Dr Wyman: This is from Du who was a local official in a small village.  He said, "One day there were hundreds of people lined up at the entrance of our village, I thought it must be a vegetable market or a movie coming in." It turned out to be blood selling. "I felt so terrified because there was no sterilization equipment at all." The village official had some education, he understood about sterilization and he had seen these blood campaigns before, no sterilization. "Villagers just tell the traffickers their blood type, if they know it, if not they make it up. "The Villagers just tell the traffickers their blood type and then lie down on the ground to offer blood." What is the result of this? A vast AIDS epidemic in these rural villages that were doing this because they use the same needle to repeatedly take blood from person after person, they line up on the ground and they stick one needle, and take the blood. Needles are so expensive, the apparatus for collecting it is expensive and so they reuse the same the same needle. And of course when you use the same needle from person to person the odds are if one person gets it the next ones are going to get it, but actually the transmission rate by blood contact by a needle is something like 1 in 200. It is not terribly efficient.  But, what do they do with the blood? They collect blood from everybody, then instead of keeping it individually, which is expensive, they dump it into a big vat, they pool it, they take it to the city, they extract the components that they want which is the gamma globulin, the clotting factor, and a few other components, and then they have a lot of blood left. What do they do? They go back to the village and re-inject the blood, the remaining blood into the people. So now you don't just have a needle stick, you've got a pint of someone else - - -of a mixed blood of everyone in the village going into your veins, and now for sure if anyone in the village has AIDS you're going to be infected with it. Du continued, "The villagers become crazy about selling blood because they are so poor and life is so hard.  Many had built their houses by selling blood. Some will even bribe traffickers to be able to sell more than once a day."

Wyman states, "The traffickers are interested in returning the blood so the villagers can give more blood again, but the people want to sell more than a pint in each day, so they kind of lie and fake because they are so poor." 

Again total naivete. Has it not crossed his mind that the Chinese health ministry is perfectly capable of lacing the blood they are returning with a mildly euphoric and mild addiction producing drug(s) that would make the villagers literally "crave" to give blood, and that the grinding poverty might not be the single driving motivator.  Or maybe that the reason for the return of the blood is to maximize the transmission of disease?  When you are dealing with "post-human statists" they have proved themselves capable of ANYTHING, with no regard to human life, singular or en mass. 

For me, the idea of the "post human statists" in the U.S. taking complete control of the medical establishment and governing the protocols of treatment, level of distribution and all other "mandates" of "health care" speak of this inhumanity. Truly, State Medical Care in the hands of post-humans is described by Sarah Palin well as "death panels." It is the one tool the government exercises most efficiently, death. Already we see the wholesale destruction of the unborn all around the world paid for by American tax dollars (the part Dr Wyman edited from his lecture I suspect) and the legalization of infanticide, which is the only true and proper name for "partial birth abortion." We also see the use of the "Whole Life System" philosophy of health care, in the Obama Care system, which denies critical care to the very young and the not so old, 60 and older. This is pure Fabian Socialist Eugenics clear as day, with a clear line of "evolution" from Malthus to us, via the likes of "experts" like Dr Wyman.  How many charts has he shown you with the same basic mortality story on it?

As you can see, this course isn't just about "demographics" but it is about socio-demographics. After all this course so far has been a homage to Thomas Robert Malthus and it would be difficult to argue that Dr Wyman isn't a Malthusian. After all everything so far has been pressed into the Malthusian paradigm.  What is the Malthusian Paradigm? In consists of the following propositions which Dr Wyman has "proved" at least to his own satisfaction, though offering the continual caution, "this is just speculation" "the data is scarce" "we don't know the accuracy of the data" "these figures could be all wrong" "here is the picture but with very, very large error bars."  To a great extent as cogent as Dr Wyman's presentation has been, it is weighted heavily into the "conjecture" category and stuffed into the follow Malthusian paradigm:

(1) subsistence severely limits population-level
(2) when the means of subsistence increases, population increases
(3) population-pressures stimulate increases in productivity
(4) increases in productivity stimulate further population-growth
(5) because productivity increases cannot maintain the potential rate of population growth, population requires strong checks to keep parity with the carrying-capacity
(6) individual cost/benefit decisions regarding sex, work, and children determine the expansion or contraction of population and production
(7) checks will come into operation as population exceeds subsistence-level
(8) the nature of these checks will have significant effect on the larger sociocultural system—Malthus points specifically to misery, vice, and poverty.

The only other prime Evolutionary saw, Wyman has been bowing is the picture of humanity as a continual waring between everyone. Family member against family member, family against family, village or tribe against tribe, community against community, country against country etc.  This particular aspect of Darwinism is needed to prove the "post-human" reality of the Great Ape called "man." So he spent hours painting all species as waring for survival, and then a few hours explaining how man's struggles hold no different aspects. What he has proved is a real and serious thing. It is something called "fallen nature" shared by all of nature including man. His answer to that situation is not to "lift-up man" and challenge him to higher behavior, which individuals have proved themselves capable countless times in human history.  Instead it is to create a new mechanism for control of the "beasts" controlled by "experts" to provide a good, "habitat" and "healthy environment" for a limited number of the species. But mark my word, the Eugenicists will not be satisfied with death by natural means, unless that "natural means" is like in Ukraine during the Holodomor where many had to resort to thawing and stewing frozen human corpses for survival. Or the means of "killing rooms" like in the orphanages of China. That's natural means, so is disease, natural means. And I think we are there to that part where artificially induced diseases are being introduced and cures for diseases are being withheld.  Just as Wyman admitted that most deaths in the third world are attributed to malnutrition, where weakened immune systems cannot conquer the diseases to which they are exposed. So too in this country we suffer from massive epidemics hidden just out of view, new brain disorders, dyslexia, autism, Alzheimer's, and a host of others, ridiculous percentages of cancer, and other autoimmune disorders, all because of the lack of proper "micro-nutrients" and synthetic instead of real vitamins and the like. We endured the use of Aluminium for cookware and food storage cans, for years after the tie to dementia was proved. These are all ways to shorten the life of the Baby Boomers, who are presently a huge demographic problem for the U.S. I'm sure Dr Wyman will get to this area soon. 

To this point in the lecture series Dr Wyman threw this Malthusian blanket over the sparse anthropological data of Chimpanzee "culture" conducted from the mid-twentieth century to the present.  Had to, to touch a cornerstone of Scientism.  Then he used that sparse data as "proof" to throw the same blanket over primitive human culture which he claims existed as late as the 1840s in Europe and America. Then taking the fifth theme, he painted it upon the population explosion of the last 250 years and places China's post-human policy as a benevolent and positive 'cultural evolutionary step.'

What is the post-human age?  It is the age where the human as accepted "the mark of the beast." And this is the literal and non-metaphoric meaning. The LITERAL Mark of the Beast. It is where the elite have decided that humanity is just another species with nothing exceptional except his "evolved status" which includes language, and rational thought. Still he is reduced simply to his DNA, only capable of partly understanding what his five senses report, and incapable of any higher function, like true intuition, or abstracting meaning and underlying power of material things, and certainly NOT communion with a God who is the Creator. Being a creature of matter, he exists in a sea of matter, and cannot perceive anything outside of matter. He shares all these things with the other "great apes," and by accident of "evolution" has a greater self-awareness. That's it. He may be a highly sophisticated ape, but he's an ape. He's NOT human, he is an Ape of the species "human."  A beast. 

In every previous era of man's history man perceived of himself as a spiritual being, considered his cognition was not identical to the biological function of his brain. He saw himself as 'ensouled'. He sought accomplishments that were temporal and spiritual and assumed his temporal behavior had spiritual consequences. The Human was according to Hinduism and Judaism and Buddhism and Taoism and Islamism and Christianity some combination of mind, body and spirit, or body, soul and Holy Spirit as the Orthodox Christian perceives. The servomechanism that is the brain was seen as a mere tool, used by the mind, to make connection with the temporal world.  Remove these factors from "human" and he has become beast only, that is post-human. A biological entity without purpose, without hope, without meaning. Any pretense to create a dialectic upon the beast, and pretend his higher functions have any meaning is the exercise of foolish apes, with delusions of something more.  There can be no purpose. Meaning can't surpass the struggle of any other animal species to procreate and survive as a species. The post-human-beast can have no more meaning than the worker bee, or the male praying-mantis, born to eat, copulate, procreate and die.  In case you think I exaggerate, here is Thomas Malthus' own words.

Thomas Malthus was born and lived with a cleft lip and palate which effected his speech. In his time of course there was no surgical remedy and history teaches this was a great personal shame to him. Who knows how much that abnormality colored his life. He came from a family which suffered several physical abnormalities. So it was likely that his family line was too inbred. He was trained in Latin and Greek and studied and excelled in mathematics. I don't know if his master's degree was in theology or mathematics, but following graduate school he took orders and became a Anglican country "curate." Which, at the time I think meant an assistant parish pastor.  Paul & Phillip Collins state in their book "The Ascendancy of the Scientific Dictatorship" that, "Malthus' genocidal policies specifically targeted the poor.  For instance, one of his proposals suggested the implementation of the following measures:

Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits.  In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country, we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlement in all marshy and unwholesome situations.  But above all, we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases;  and those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have thought they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders. (Ian T. Taylor - "In the Minds of Men: Darwin and the New World Order. TFE Publishing, 1999 Toronto.  pg 62-63"  In other words, we should villainize cures for diseases that kill undesirable populations, and make outlaws of bleeding hearts who try to cure the diseases of the underclasses. This coming from an inbred Anglican priest, with an apparent very thin gene pool!

Being such a fan of Malthus, do you think that Dr Wyman does not know this quote? Now, think about his knowledge Malthus, would it not stretch credulity to believe Wyman does not know this quote?  Do you think that he does not know that Malthus proposed the purposeful spread  of disease to kill undesirable populations. And here Dr Wyman is relating what appears to be the purposeful spread of AIDS in China, as if it were merely the sad and even humorous product of ignorant and primitive people!  We need to open our eyes to the so-called science of Socio-Demographics which in truth is nothing more than Eugenics by another name. Are not these two stories nearly identical? 

Again Taylor quotes Malthus: 

We are bound in justice and honour formally to disclaim the right of the poor to support.  To this end, I should propose a regulation be made declaring that no child born should ever be entitled to parish assistance. the {illegitimate} infant is comparatively speaking, of little value to society, as others will immediately supply its place' All children beyond what would be required to keep up the population to this [desired] level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the deaths of grown person. (Taylor 63.)   - Can you see those Chinese orphanages? The massive HIV/AIDS epidemics in Africa and China?

Father Thomas Hopko, Dean Emeritus of Saint Vladimir's Seminary, in his series about Darwin and Christianity, made a point of painting a picture of the benign apostasy of Anglicanism and Anglican clergy in particular of Darwin's time. He painted it in rather colorful and romantic terms. He neglected to say that it contained genocidal planners, and heartless authors of Eugenics.  What is so sick is that Malthus' title, what paid his way in this world, was his job as "curate" at Okewood near Albury in Surrey. The technical definition of "curate" is a clergy  who cares for "souls."  Imagine having your Christian faith, guided by such a sick and heartless man.  

It is important to grasp about the entire Darwin mythology and Darwin himself, that he did not get his dogma of "survival of the fittest" from his fossil evidence and his naturalist studies, he got it from the demonic ramblings of an Apostate Anglican cleric, who suggest genocide as a "good thing."  Little wonder that Dr Wyman could approach the subject of AIDs genocide in China, so casually. 

Darwin took survival of the fittest from Malthus, and took the idea of "natural selection" from his grand father, Erasmus Darwin, and as we will soon see, he didn't invent the "primordial ooze" of Darwin/Evolution fame, either. Weighing a very heavy influence over Darwin was his very good friend the atheist, political radical, and con man, Thomas Henry Huxley.  Huxley managed to place his hoax, the Bathybius haeckelii, (the pretended missing link between non-living matter and living organism) in the standard Biology Text book, which was used by secondary and higher educators for 80 years. The Bathybius haeckelii, was discovered by Huxley at a most opportune moment, and he claimed for it the status of the "missing link" between living and inorganic matter. Here is what I mean by a very convenient time: Darwin and Wallace presented a joint paper at the Linnean Society on 1 July of 1858.  On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection.  The paper was met with derision by reputable naturalists and others. Darwin published his book, "The Origin of Species, by Natural Selection" the next years 1859 and in 1860. Huxley, who supposedly had been previously against evolutionism, was suddenly a great cheerleader, seeing the political implication of the theory. He passionately debated an Anglican clergyman, who was also a naturalist a year after "Origin . . " was published, and clearly lost the debate.(Although it is spun differently).  Darwinism needed immediate scientific confirmation, because, well,  there was none.  Darwin himself might have become a footnote in history except for the fraudulent aid of Huxley. Seven years later Huxley announced his "discovery."  Within a decade Huxley's hoax was discovered but never "exposed." It was proved that the Bathybius was nothing but a microscopic rock. Yet this hoax was taught as fact for four generations, and was pivotal to making reasonably skeptical people accept the premise of the magic, "inorganic matter to living matter" mythology of evolutionism.  Huxley named his discovery in honor of German philosopher Ernst Haeckel who had theorized about Urschleim (primordial slime), a protoplasm from which all life had originated. Huxley publicly speculated that his discovery was trace evidence of that very primordial slime, the missing link between inorganic and organic matter. 

For the record: 
To this day, not only has such a "missing link" never been discovered, several disciplines of science have affirmatively proved the impossibility of such happening. All life, every life form we see, and know, came from LIFE and not from inorganic/non-living matter.  This is the fact, regardless what the priests of "scientism" say and say and say and say. THIS is the real science, THIS is the real Natural Science.  

Huxley's con game took place in 1868. It was positively refuted by chemist John Young Buchanan and this was reported in the "Quarterly Journal of the Microscopical Science" in 1875.  A few years later, Huxley wrote a letter to the Royal Science Academy admitting his "error." However, the hoax was never publicized and the ignorant public continues to buy the myth of "primordial ooze" to this day.  Ernst Haeckel and Huxley gave us the mythology of the "primordial ooze" not Darwin.  That fake protozoan continued part of Evolutionary mythology for more than a century.  I read an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine by a fellow named Lewis Thomas, if memory serves, about the little cell that wasn't really a cell, but pre-cell protoplasm, which exhibited evidence of life by being able to expel a foreign substance. He was describing Huxley's fake as real, a full one hundred years after it was proved a fake, and in a prestigious medical journal!  This Bathybius Haeckelii is but a "verse" in the Koran of Scientism, the new humanist religion. 

Unless you think that these men in the 1800s do not have a direct impact upon us today and have not created the confines in which we may think and speak of "what is real" understand that it is not a matter of science, but a mind boggling 200 year march to a world "technocracy" where the wealthy are the kings and the scientists serve as the modern day "medicine men" and high priests. These high priest of Scientism speak to us about matters outside our cognitive range, giving us news of the infinite and the infinitesimal, just like the priestesses of Delphi, or the Wizard of OZ. Our one duty is to "on faith" accept the mythology without question. 

Consider the U.N.'s role in China's population control and how thoroughly the U.N. is struggling to create a one-world medical dictatorship, through the World Health Organization. They would have succeeded in 2009, with the fake Bird Flew pandemic had not a courageous New York State Judge halted the mandatory vaccinations of all the New York State health workers, as was mandated by the WHO under its fraudulent new "pandemic" treaty rules. With that in mind read about the U.N.'s "scientific beginnings."

Huxley Eugenics and the founding of the U.N:
Sir Julian Sorell Huxley, Fellow of the Royal Academy of London (22 June 1887 – 14 February 1975) was an English evolutionary biologist, humanist and internationalist. He was a proponent of natural selection, and a leading figure in the mid-twentieth century evolutionary synthesis. He was Secretary of the Zoological Society of London (1935–1942), the first Director of UNESCO, and a founding member of the World Wildlife Fund. Huxley came from the distinguished Huxley family. His brother was the writer Aldous Huxley, and his half-brother a fellow biologist and Nobel laureate, Andrew Huxley; his father was writer and editor Leonard Huxley; and his paternal grandfather was Thomas Henry Huxley, (the aforementioned con man) a friend and supporter of Charles Darwin and proponent of evolution. His maternal grandfather was the academic Tom Arnold, great-uncle poet Matthew Arnold and great-grandfather Thomas Arnold of Rugby School. Huxley was well known for his presentation of science in books and articles, and on radio and television. He directed an Oscar-winning wildlife film. He was awarded UNESCO's Kalinga Prize for the popularisation of science in 1953, the Darwin Medal of the Royal Society in 1956, and the Darwin–Wallace Medal of the Linnaean Society in 1958. He was also knighted in that same year, 1958, a hundred years after Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace announced the theory of evolution by natural selection. In 1959 he received a Special Award of the Lasker Foundation in the category Planned Parenthood – World Population. Huxley was a prominent member of the British Eugenics Society and its president from 1959–1962.

Eugenics is the "science" upon which the largest genocides of the Twentieth Century were based, Stalin's Holodomor (30 million) and other purges (70 million) and Hitler's Holocaust (8 million - and another 10 million of his own people and enemies in war). Many have estimated murders of citizens by their own government since Darwinism became fashionable number somewhere just less than one hundred and fifty million people. China has "prevented the birth" of three-hundred million people, to hear them tell it, over the six years prior to Dr Wyman's lectures which happened I believe in 2009. Clearly millions of those 300 million were via abortion, more tens of millions more by infanticide, many more by neglect and abandonment. The degree of the carnage will one day be told because blood cries from the ground and such atrocities will not disappear into history, unless through the Church of Scientism, we enter a truly dark period of human history.  

I was not sure in the beginning, but Dr Wyman's sharing a story of quasi-official spread of AIDS in China - as if it were the actions of ignorant men, and him not stating the fact that it was probably a means of Eugenics, following the pattern suggested by his hero Malthus', has convinced me that Dr Wyman is not a neutral "demographer" but a proponent of Eugenics.  All for humane purposes I'm sure - at least he has worked this inhumanity out in his mind and made accommodation for it in his soul. Of course as a Darwinist, he knows he does not have a soul, his cognition is just a matter of neurons firing in the beast's brain. So the whole hellish thing is just a matter of the his best beastly comfort, the comfort of his family and friends and the survival of his progeny if he has any.  What greater meaning could it have to an Evolutionist. 

Indeed these people are "post human" not "humanist" or "humanitarians" but people who accept upon their person, upon the definition of who they are as individuals and who we are as a species, only the Mark of the Beast.  Those people unwilling to recognize God, who consider themselves "biological form only" capable of knowing only what their five senses report, and rejecting any of man's higher and spiritual qualities. How can you rightly describe them excepted noting that they have accepted The Mark of The Beast. They refuse the appellation of "the sons of God" or "the creatures of God" or even "creature of a creator" because for them nothing can exist higher than 'the beast.' 

Dr Wyman can prance around his lecture hall, search for his laser pointer, flirt with the co-eds and teach the post-human science of Eugenics, and not have the slightest idea what he and his "cohorts" are unleashing upon the world.  Disguised under the facade of antiseptic mathematics, mere statistics, are many holocausts in the planning.  

This morning I awoke early and turned on the T.V.  (not something I do often any more). The local Chicago station had a horror story out of Miami, Florida. 
One naked man chewing off the face of another man, in the middle of afternoon.  Here is the report from a local Miami station. 

Welcome to the world of post-humans. I've got to get the full news story and see if possibly these fellows were competing for female attention, battling about territory, showing off their maleness and just got carried away, or if possibly one or both were possessed of evil, like Mr Wu in Nanking, China just before the Japanese invaded.  What does that ancient paleo-hebrew pictograph of the word Satan mean?  Literally, "He who chews up (and by extension, destroys) LIFE." 

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